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Technically Challenged And crossing platforms...Android Phone (Droid X-NOT X2), iMac, iPad & Xoo

Which 1Password App will work across these platforms? iMac (Lion), iPad 2, Android Phone (Droid X -- NOT X2), and Xoom (Honeycomb)....

AND, what is best way to keep all passwords synced across the platforms at the same time....SD Card? Thumbdrive?

I REALLY AM technically challenged -- So, please use the KISS principle (Keep it SUPER Simple) when responding to my post!




  • Hi Giggles,

    We can certainly help you get up and running across all 4 devices and more importantly keeping your data in sync.

    The first question I need to ask, so I can give you the best information in a really easy to follow form, is if you already have 1Password setup on any of the devices?