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1Password Mac & Safari extension not syncing

I am saving logins in my Safari extension, and they are available for future sessions, no problem. However, any new logins stored in the Safari extension are not showing up in the main 1Password app itself. Is the Safari extension a separate database from the main database? If so, how can I get the two to sync?

My system deals are as follows:

Mac OS X Lion 10.7.1

Safari 5.1

1Password (Mac) 3.8.2 (build 31121)

Safari Extension 3.7.b10


  • msheaver,

    It looks like you're using a slightly older version of the Safari extension which had this issue, it should now be fixed in our latest update.

    You're already using the latest version of 1Password so all you should need to do is update the Safari extension to the latest version by performing a manual update within Safari > Preferences > Extensions as we detail at the bottom of this guide:

    With some of the new changes in the update, there are few extra steps to follow. First of all, please go to Help > Troubleshooting > Restart Agent within 1Password and finally restart Safari, with Command-Option-Q if you're using Lion, to ensure the extension is properly reloaded.

    I hope that helps,