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1Password.agilekeychain gets created on desktop


Hi, I've been happily using (loving) 1Password for quite some time but something strange is happening as I attempt to use the "Find Existing" feature when I install a clean copy of the latest stable release of 1Password (3.8.2) on my new MacBook Pro running a clean installation of OSX 10.7.1 and try to import a known good datafile. Basically, when I launch 1Password for the first time it gives me 2 options. I choose the "Find Existing" option, locate the existing datafile and import it and everything is great, [b]EXCEPT[/b] the [b]1Password.agilekeychain[/b] file which normally lives in /Users/myUserAccount/Library/Application Support/1Password/ gets created on my desktop. Any help here is greatly appreciated, thanks in advance.[/color]


  • Ben
    Ben AWS Team
    Hi PixelLevel,

    Welcome to the forums! <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/smile.png' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':)' />

    You can simply copy your data file into the appropriate folder and then double click on it.

