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unused folder comes back after deleting (sync problem?)

Granite Mac
Granite Mac Junior Member
Using 1Password (current version, non-beta) on iPhone, OSX, and Windows 7 Enterprise syncing through Dropbox.

Problem: I have 2 empty folders that keeps re-appearing after I delete them. I assume this is a syncing issue (I run into a similar issue with Microsoft OneNote recreating empty folders when I sync it to SharePoint).

I've tried looking through my Dropbox directories to see if I can manually delete the folder, but I can't make sense of the dropbox contents.


  • Ben
    Ben AWS Team
    Hi Granite Mac,

    We're aware of this issue and it is caused by the syncing between the 1Password for Safari 5.1 and 1Password for Firefox 6 extensions with the main 1Password for Mac application. We hope to have a fix soon.
  • Ben
    Ben AWS Team
    This is fixed in 1Password 3.8.3.BETA-3.