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Firefox 6: 1P Used to "Just Work".... now it doesn't

crackingtoast Junior Member
I have been a long time user and big supporter of 1P. I have recommended 1P to a number of people and touted it as the best password personal data app there is. It always just worked. Now it simply doesn't work.

I will say to start off that I know some of this may be a problem with Firefox 6 and not 1P but Firefox is my preferred browser and 1P has always worked. I expect it to keep working.

Logins work fine but when filling any other form data like wallets and identities it just doesn't work.

When i open the app and copy this form data that is not filling either it is not copying or Firefox is not pasting. This has happened on a number of sites.

I have already posted about this but I don't think you should force your users to use keyboards commands to access forms, wallets, and identities. I know I can use the 1P button and I know I can move it in my toolbar but it is just so inconvenient that way compared to the way it used to be.

I have tried reinstalling the Firefox plugin from your site. Anything else I should do?

Do I just need to switch browsers?


  • binarynomad
    binarynomad Junior Member
    Ever since the new Plugin, I've had multiple problems:

    1) Not picking up new passwords / logins

    2) Not being able to submit to HTTP Auth (like routers)

    3) Not detecting password updates

    4) Not pasting an existing id/password into a webpage

    5) No right click context menu

    6) Passwords generated via the plugin (a) do not show up in Password History, (<img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/cool.png' class='bbc_emoticon' alt='B)' /> don't show location in main 1password program (see attached pic)

  • crackingtoast
    crackingtoast Junior Member
    Thanks binarynomad, you outlined some others I've noticed as well that i forgot about. Particularly the context menu and not picking up new logins or being able to manually save new logins.
  • Hello crackingtoast,

    Wallet and Identity filling has been improved with our latest release of 1Password (3.8.3) and our FF beta add-on (3.8.3.b2), but there are still some known issues regarding the filling and clipboard copying of certain fields (credit card # and CVV code). However, our developers are working on a fix, and I hope the problem will be solved soon.


    Some of the problems you listed are fixed in our latest release. Autosaving new logins and HTTP Auth are still not available. However, #3 - #6 have been improved. Regarding #6, this issue is usually attributable to a disconnect between the 1Password Agent and the FF add-on. When this occurs, in the 1Password application, please go to Help > Troubleshooting > Restart Agent, and look to see if the logins saved via FF are now synched to the 1P application. If you are still experiencing the issue, please reply and let us know.


  • binarynomad
    binarynomad Junior Member
    Thanks Brandt,

    I know some of the items are were covered by the FAQ (to address some of the changes since Lion + new plugin), but It's good to hear things are being worked on.

    I'll let you know if I'm still seeing any problems with the Agent and PWD data being synched over.
  • Hey Brian,

    I appreciate the reply, and I hope that we will resolve as many of your initial issues as soon as possible. <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/smile.png' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':)' />

