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Keep Drop Down Menu Open During UserN/PW Copying

Jim_Tampa Junior Member
For Flash logins: Unless I've overlooked something, 1P users have to access the 1P drop-down menu twice whenever we need to copy both User Name and Password. As soon as we paste one of these to the flash login box, the 1P drop-down menu closes, and then we have to repeat the process to copy the second item. 1P needs to be modified so that the drop-down menu remains open until the manual login button is pressed. If a procedure currently exists for this, please advise.


  • I think this may actually be a Safari limitation, presuming you're using Safari. The same behaviour happens with the downloads pop-over in Lion, if you click away from the extension the focus is lost.

    I'll ask our developers if there's a way we could handle situations like this, of course the much better outcome would be if sites would stop using Flash <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/skype_smile.png' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':-)' />
  • Jim_Tampa
    Jim_Tampa Junior Member
    Yes, it was with Safari. Thanks Stu and here's to an appropriate end to Flash!
  • Ben
    Ben AWS Team
    [quote name='Jim_Tampa' timestamp='1315081858' post='44249']

    here's to an appropriate end to Flash!


  • Just wanted to follow up and confirm that after speaking with Dave on this it does appear there's no way to pin the extension popover, it's just not allowed by the Safari APIs.
  • Jim_Tampa
    Jim_Tampa Junior Member
    Thanks for following through and closing the loop on this issue, Stu.
  • You're welcome, Jim, sorry it wasn't the answer you wanted to hear.