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This program is driving me crazy! auto lock every 5 seconds! arh!

Hi Please can someone help? This program is driving me crazy! i'm about to trash it forever but so many passwords saved I can't.

I'm using the latest version updated from the site today. OS Mac Lion and Safari Browser extension. Also mobile app on iPhone


When I unlock via the animated safe entrance before I can do anything at all the damn thing auto locks the doors (within 5 Seconds)

I've tried the app prefs screen but the security tab where you change the settings is "greyed out" so i cannot make any changes.

Plus the browser extension has a mind of its own some sites works some sites doesn't

Any suggestions much appreciated


  • Hi James,

    I'm really sorry for the trouble here, and for the delay in getting back to you on this.

    Do you have the application "DisplayPad" installed on your computer? If so, could you check to see if it has a Lion-compatible update? Otherwise, you may need to stop it from running, as that instantly clears up several issues we have seen: cases of 1Password "unlock --> lock" madness as well as your screen saver coming on for no reason at all (and usually on a Space in Mission Control other than the one you're using). Several reports from Lion systems have been completely stable since they removed DisplayPad.

    Similar applications may have the same behaviour: one customer reported the new extension locking too often with "Air Display" installed -- once it was removed, 1Password no longer locked with wild abandon. Another customer reported that upgrading LaunchBar fixed the issue.

    If you don't have any of these applications and cannot find the cause, you can temporarily disable 1Password's "Lock when screensaver is activated" preference in the 1Password > Preferences > Security window.

    I hope that helps,