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Dumb question: why double entries in 1P?

Dumb question from a 1P newbie. See my attachment. Whenever I have a password generated by 1P, two entries appear in 1P, so I've got duplicates of everything. One has a key, the other has the web site icon. What's the difference?

[attachment=1243:Screen shot 2011-09-02 at 10.44.29 AM.png]

They both appear to be "logins". The key one has only the password. The web site icon one has other info (usually username).

Can I safely trash the key ones? What are they and why are they saved? Is there any way to trash them all at once?


  • Ben
    Ben AWS Team
    The ones with the key icon are the historical records from the password generator. Sometimes it is helpful to be able to look up what passwords have been generated for a particular site.

    I would highly recommend against deleting those entries.

    The one with the website icon is your actual login item and is what 1Password uses to fill in forms on webpages.