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1P Not Prompting for Saving Logins!

rfranssen Junior Member
Well I’ve come to expect problems now with 1P on many sites. Failure to recognize Lightbox pages and older window styles leaves me having to copy and paste as if from a spreadsheet. And many windows just don’t work even if populated from 1P. But the worst of it is that I now can never count on 1P to save the login and password!!! This was faultless before Lion and Safari 5.1. It is becoming a real chore to use 1P and COUNT ON IT as a foolproof method of saving passwords. I realize they are working on this but without them taking questions or offering solutions directly it’s frustrating.


  • I am using the most recent extension and version of 1P and Firefox 7.0. I cannot get the app to save a new login. Any suggestions?
  • Hello rfranssen and nbrosenstein,

    Would you please let us know which versions of 1Password and the respective 1Password extension/add-on that you are running? In addition, please provide the URLs for some of the sites where you are having trouble. We will take a look and see if we can figure out what is going on.

    Regarding Firefox, there is a known issue with autosaving new logins that we are working hard to fix. However, you should be able to manually save or edit a login within the add-on interface by Filling your data, but not submitting. Then, open the add-on and then click the "+" symbol in the upper right corner. You should then see the website and login data. You may edit information at that time, and when satisfied, click "Save" in the upper right corner.

