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1Password not user friendly

The unfortunate part of switching to Mac (as I did several years ago) is that you have to sometimes give up programs that work well (Roboform) for ones that don't (1Password). Every time Firefox has an update I don't want to upgrade because 1Password won't work. So I wait and wait and Firefox keeps asking to upgrade. Then I do it and always regret it (as I now regret upgrading to FF 6).

Companies that make the customer adapt to them as opposed to adapting to the customer will eventually fail. Microsoft has lost a lot of market share to Apple, despite having a near monopoly at one time. My local video store was unfriendly and I switched to Netflix as soon as I could. I think 1Password has near zero customer loyalty. People only use it because they think they have no alternative (or don't want to use the Roboform Online version).

Once there is a reasonable alternative to 1Password, it will be bye-bye.


  • thightower
    thightower "T-Dog" Agile's Mascot Community Moderator
    Well we value your opinion here as with all opinions. Would you care to clarify on how we force you to adapt to us. We do our best to adapt to our customers when it is technically feasible to do so.

    Also there are numerous threads on why the changes are occurring to the extensions at the moment. Looking at Safari Apple has made some internal changes forcing the team to rewrite a large section of the code base. Firefox has been changed to just prevent what you cite the inability to update once a new version is out. Currently we are supporting FF 6,7, and 8 with the new changes. Sounds to me like the team is trying its best to prevent the situation you reference.

    Persoanlly :

    I am a volunteer here and my views are my own. The team doesn't pay me for anything, I do it all at my free will. Having said that I think 1P is the greatest thing out there. They have been super at listening to the customers and implementing the customers desires. I for one would not be so outspoken if I didn't believe in there principles etc.

    It has been over a month since Lion was released, we have seen design changes, feature enhancements (right click menus in the beta extensions). They have been working hard and I applaud then for the work done.

    I have been a little scarce here lately with a little one starting to walk and working longer hours at work. But I follow the team here in the forums. On twitter and the blog. Other than that I have no insider knowledge on the internal workings of 1P all I get I gather here. Not everyone can read thru posts as I have time to while I travel etc. But they are some great folks who have yet to surprise me. Sure a few desires of mine have not made it to the surface yet but they will come in time. (Custom templates, vaults, and an archive vault etc)

    All I am suggesting is give them a little more time. As to Roboform online I prefer to have complete control over my database. I may or may not want it in Dropbox for example this is my choice. To use Roboform online it has to be well online.

    I used Robo when I was still running windows, I disliked there licensing model in that after a reinstall sometimes I would have to send an email asking for my device id be reset etc. Especially when I made a hardware change. Agile is really really great when it comes to licensing.

    I get no special favors from the team I am like each and everyone of you all.

    I own :


    [*]1 1Password 2 family license purchase out right

    [*]1 1Password 3 family license purchased out right

    [*]6 1Password 3 single user licenses, purchased for family members, myself included under different promos like macupdate etc

    [*]8 1Password pro iOS apps again for family members myself included under each of there respective Apple IDs

    [*]2 1Password standard iOS apps currently not used as I am using the pro for both 1Pad and iPhone


    My point is I sincerely believe in 1P and the future of 1P, In the above numbers are included the licenses for my kids. They range from 1 yr to 15 yrs old. I believe in 1P so much I have already purchased a copy for them. True the younger ones don't use it yet. Also true there will most likely be 1P 4 out before they really use it but I am sure I can pick it up for a good deal. There are various coupons online as well as there will be many promos again.

    Looking forward :

    I want to see what the future holds for 1P. I for one truly believe it is a bright future.
  • As I mentioned, I have used 1Password for several years. I have yet to upgrade when I haven't had to Google "where did my 1Pass toolbar icon go?" Then I have to relearn how to uninstall the extension, reinstall, etc. Now the toolbar is gone, at least in Firefox. This is something that used to be there and everyone liked. Why is it now gone? It is similar to the way Microsoft has constantly made changes to Windows that just made it more difficult.

    There are many websites where 1Password will not fill in the forms, or will not do it completely. My point about being user friendly is this: Do the people at Agile approach the program from the POV of a user, or from a programmer? Try doing the upgrade yourself from scratch. Pretend you don't already know how it all works. See if it is easy and intuitive or complicated and requiring additional research and instructions.

    Roboform worked extremely well in Windows. I agree that I do not want my passwords stored online, which is why I am sticking with 1Pass. I'm sure you all work very hard and have the best intentions. I'm just saying that the people who run it do not approach it as a consumer.

    Thanks for taking the time to reply. Meanwhile, though, I have no 1P toolbar and am hoping it will return soon in an update.
  • Ben
    Ben AWS Team
    Hi pkr430,

    Welcome to the forums!

    I'm really sorry to hear you are disappointed. We strive to make every user experience a positive one. It sounds like your primary concern is having to do something to make 1Password work after every Firefox update. I'll get to that in a minute.

    Let me start by saying that Firefox 6 was a major game changer for us, and required us to completely rewrite the extension from the ground up (the same is true for Safari 5.1). We have not yet been able to implement things like the Firefox toolbar. We haven't taken it off the table, but haven't found a way to implement it, yet.

    One of the great things this enables though is for us to use the same extension across multiple versions. The current extension works across Firefox 6, 7, and 8.

    I hope this at least helps explain the current situation. If you need help getting things working please let us know and we'd be happy to help.

  • Thanks for your reply. I'd just like to make the point that I am always wary about upgrading FF dues to 1P compatibility concerns. So I went to the 1P website and saw that the new 1P upgrade works with FF 6.

    However, now you are mentioning some (understandable) issues you are having, but I am learning about it after the fact. Perhaps in the future you might put a little caveat on the website that some kinks are being worked out, say what they are, and let the consumer then make an informed decision about whether or not to upgrade. Make sense? Thanks!
  • That's an excellent point, we faced a decision to either release the Firefox 6 extension as it was (it's already had a lot of updates to fix issues in a matter of weeks) or have no support for Firefox 6.

    Given that Mozilla stopped any security updates for Firefox 4 and 5 the minute 6 was out that made our choice to release the unfinished extension the right one, we want to make sure our users can use a patched and secure browser.

    While this has been bumpy ride at the moment the next upgrade for Firefox itself should go a lot smoother, in fact I can tell you that I have Firefox 7 Beta and Firefox 8 Aurora running here with the same add-on as I have in Firefox 6 without any major issues beyond the known issues we're working to fix. That means no more waiting for us to update 1Password to support Firefox 7 which in turn means that we can focus on improving the Firefox add-on without having to start again to support a new version.

    In retrospect, yes, maybe we should have made a note of the known issues and given instructions on how to downgrade to Firefox 3.6.x so users could have a fully patched version of Firefox with full 1Password support.
  • Ben
    Ben AWS Team
    Thanks for the assist Stu. In addition, we will certainly look into how to best communicate issues to our customers before they run into then instead of after. We do have a newsletter, but don't send out messages to it very often. Perhaps we could utilize that more, but there has to be some balance as we don't want to spam folks. <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/smile.png' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':)' />
  • By the way, any criticism is not meant to demean the great work you do or to fail to understand the difficulty of keeping up wit Firefox's multiple upgrades, which I believe most users don't understand the need for anyway.

    Thanks for all you helpful replies. Best of luck with future upgrades.
  • I don't think the problem is 1Password. It is FireFox. I've given up on using it because it is unable to accommodate several of my most needed programs. For some bizarre reason FireFox seems to think we need a major upgrade every 4-6 weeks. I've yet to see any benefit to these major upgrades. All it does is trash my programs and make me waste time upgrading, whether I want to or not.
  • [quote name='pkr430' timestamp='1315316475' post='44952']

    By the way, any criticism is not meant to demean the great work you do or to fail to understand the difficulty of keeping up wit Firefox's multiple upgrades, which I believe most users don't understand the need for anyway.

    Thanks for all you helpful replies. Best of luck with future upgrades.


    Hey pkr430,

    No offense taken! Thank YOU for letting us know what is happening with your setup. The Firefox release cycle has been a challenge, to say the least, and we expect "burps" along the way, but that doesn't mean we like them one iota! <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/smile.png' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':)' />

    [quote name='DebCC' timestamp='1315322468' post='44960']

    I don't think the problem is 1Password. It is FireFox. I've given up on using it because it is unable to accommodate several of my most needed programs. For some bizarre reason FireFox seems to think we need a major upgrade every 4-6 weeks. I've yet to see any benefit to these major upgrades. All it does is trash my programs and make me waste time upgrading, whether I want to or not.


    Hi DebCC,

    As I mentioned to pkr430, the Firefox release cycle has been daunting, but we try to meet their dates as well as we can. I appreciate your kind words, and I do empathize with your comments.


  • thightower
    thightower &quot;T-Dog&quot; Agile&#39;s Mascot Community Moderator
    [quote name='pkr430' timestamp='1315316475' post='44952']

    By the way, any criticism is not meant to demean the great work you do or to fail to understand the difficulty of keeping up wit Firefox's multiple upgrades, which I believe most users don't understand the need for anyway.

    Thanks for all you helpful replies. Best of luck with future upgrades.


    I would like to say that yours is constructive and no way demeaning. We value criticism it can lead to great things. So long as well all are respectful personally, and maintain a good demeanor. We seriously have no issue with the criticism. One of those great criticizers is now one of our admins.

    Keep it coming. Agile is well Agile and can switch gears when needed as the market demands etc.
  • AndrewK
    AndrewK Junior Member
    Dear All

    Unfortunately there is no competition to 1Password. I use it on my Mac, iPhone and iPad and I do have to persevere with the applications. All in all - it used to very good BUT the loss of the toolbar is a significant change to how one works. The toolbar was a one click affair - identity, login or wallet. Now, it is click, type in the password even though the 1Password application has been unlocked, remember the shortcut or scroll down to what you need, click, scroll, click - not user friendly! The worse thing is that it does not fill in MOST of the pages completely as needed and then I need to copy and paste - the 1P button if you try to copy an item, it says it is copied but it isn't. So, I then go to the application and copy and paste (works there).

    Not filling in MOST pages is a new thing since you moved to this methodology. It used to be rare previously!

    I really have no choice and each update is installed immediately in the hope that a) Pages start to be filled <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/cool.png' class='bbc_emoticon' alt='B)' /> the toolbar - an efficient way of filling in whatever is needed is back.

    The same issue in Safari so not just Firefox.

    As pkr430 alludes to, I am not sure who tests these things but maybe options of how it looks and feels might be better to keep users happy. I also came from Roboform and it works seamlessly without any real glitches with upgrades. The interface changes little because it works and there is no need to change. The toolbar was that way.

    I know what will be said, as when I had previously commented on how good Roboform is, I was told that "we are the best, we listen etc."

    Yes - I can paste into a support form all the sites it doesn't work in but it is my time to do this. It should just work like it did.

