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JSONRepresentation failed

In the most recent update, just installed, there was an item that said 'check your log' to see if 'JSONRepresentation failed' is there.

HOW do I 'check my log'? Does that mean the list of logins? It sounds rather like the RECORD of activity...which I don't know where to find.


  • khad
    khad Social Choreographer
    Welcome to the forums, TriAthDance!

    /Applications/Utilities/ > system.log


    If we can be further assistance, please let us know.

    We are always here to help!
  • danco
    danco Senior Member
    A quick comment. system.log can only be viewed if logged in as an admin user IIRC. O am one of many people who runs my everyday account as non-admin, so I would have to switch users to view that file. No great hassle, but not everyone knows that.
  • khad
    khad Social Choreographer
    Thanks for the tip, danco!

    By default, OS X accounts are created with admin privileges, and presumably anyone savvy enough to specifically create a non-admin account would know this. However, it is certainly worth mentioning.

  • gddcy
    gddcy Junior Member
    I found this in my log : Aug 8 14:29:07 SilicioInsector-2 kernel[0]: CoreServicesUIAg[482] Unable to clear quarantine `JSON': 93

    Does this has something in common with the "-JSONRepresentation failed" alert ?

    [font="'Lucida Grande"]Thanks in advance,[/font]
  • jpgoldberg
    jpgoldberg Agile Customer Care
    Hi gddcy,

    Thanks for diving into the logs. That warning is unrelated. So it looks like you didn't see the JSONRepresentation alert.

    We recently added in a bunch of warnings like the one that you saw to help track down an obscure bug (that so far has affected one user, but it's perplexing). So these extra warnings are temporary and for our own testing. Sorry for the confusion.

    If (and only if) you are very comfortable with the Unix command-line and familiar with sudo, there is a trick that I do as a non-admin user. (By the way, I wish that more people would follow your practice and run as non-admin). You can add yourself to /etc/sudoers. After that, you will be able to do things like

    [code]sudo less /var/log/messages[/code]

    without having to actually log in to your admin account.

    Please note that if you damage your sudoers file, bad things will happen. So I point this out to folks like me who are gold Unix guys.



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