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Feature Request: iPhone Style Unlock Code + Master Password for Ipad

magown Junior Member
edited December 1969 in iOS
I do a lot of browsing on my ipad and often use the 1 password app as the browser. I feel like I am constantly having to retype my master password over and over again. I find it much more difficult to punch in a single semi-strong password into the ipad app. I can do the same thing much quicker with the 2 stage password system on the iPhone app and would like to see it iPhone style authentication added to the Ipad side of the app.


  • [Deleted User]
    edited December 1969
    Hi magown,

    Thanks for the feedback. When we were designing the iPhone version version of 1Password we soon realised that our single master password approach from the Mac version wouldn't work too well on such a small keyboard, so the unlock code was implemented to allow quick access to your list of items and the ability to access specific items that you deem 'less secure' just using the unlock code.

    When it was time to build the iPad version we decided that the majority of users would find it much easier to enter just the master password, as they do with the Mac version. On the whole, most users are happy with this but I know some users would like to see the return of the unlock code, however we don't have any plans to change this approach, at least for now. With that said, we never say never here at AWS, so it may come along in the future but I can't make any promises.

    Thanks again for the feedback, we really appreciate it.