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New 1Password Chrome Extension Is Broken

Whatever you guys did with the new Chrome extension, it isn't working. Every site I go to, the new toolbar appears below my address bar, asking me to enter my master password (so it can save the password - even if the site is already saved in my 1Password app). For new sites, I don't have the option of picking a folder to place the new login into. This new extension is a step backward. Bring the old one back!


  • I am also seeing the same issue. It got so annoying that I actually have 1Password extension for Chrome disabled. The other issue I see is that I click on the NEVER FOR THIS SITE button, it does nothing. In fact, the bar only goes away by refreshing the screen.

    I have been using 1Password for a couple of years now and all updates and extensions have been flawless for the most part but this one needed to be tested.

    I will leave my Chrome extension disabled until this is fix as the pop up bar is very irritating...
  • Hey, RossS and Mac_Junkie! Welcome to the forums! <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/smile.png' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':)' />

    I am sorry for the trouble. We are aware of these issues with the beta Chrome extension and hope to have these resolved soon so that everyone can enjoy the new extension. If you prefer, you can uninstall it (Window > Extensions > 1Password > Uninstall) and reinstall the stable version (1Password > Install Extensions) until the new extension is complete.

    I hope this helps. Please let me know if you have any other questions. <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/smile.png' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':)' />
  • south
    edited September 2011
    Something's wrong with mine too. The Chrome (v13) for Mac extension asks for my Master Password, but once I've typed it & hit Return, nothing happens. It doesn't log in and won't supply passwords for any sites.

    Another thing: I also have Textexpander installed, and the 1P Chrome extension knocks it out. The only way I can get TE working across the system again is to either quit Chrome or disable the 1P extension. (fwiw, I have tried the Chrome extension with TE turned off, but it still didn't work.)

    Everything works fine in Safari.

    UPDATE: Tried the latest Chrome plugin beta, it works fine. Ahhh...