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Switching from Mac to PC

Sid70 Junior Member
Hi Guys,

I have a registered up-to-date copy of 1password for use on OS X.

Sadly due to my work, I now use Windows more than OS X and I am switching my Macbook Pro for a Windows 7 laptop.

I still want to use 1password... I am wondering if I can switch my registration key from OS X to the Windows version? I obviously won't be using the OS X version again.

Many Thanks



  • Rob, please send an e-mail message to [i][/i] from the e-mail address associated with your 1Password for Mac license.

    One of the friendly folks there will know whether they can do anything to help.
  • Sorry if this is a dumb question, I use a PC at work and have a iMac at home. Do I need to purchase a copy for each platform.

  • Phil, welcome to the forum!

    It's not a dumb question. 1Password for Mac and 1Password for Windows are completely different programs written from the ground up for different operating systems, so it's not a matter of purchasing a "copy" for each platform.

    You can get a great price on a 1Password for Mac + Windows "bundle" license in the online store ([i][/i]), where you can also use the "upgrade" discount to add a platform if you already own 1Password license for the other platform.

    You can read about our licensing policy under the "Licensing Terms" heading in this article: [i] [/i]