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PLEASE HELP - Passwords Disappeared when moving to new computer

Hi there,

I'm sorry to bother but I'm a little bit desperate. I bought a new computer (a Macbook Air, it's awesome btw) I installed 1password and let Drobpox sync. I opened 1password and selected the files/folder to get the password from.

The thing is... all my password disappeared.

It looks like when I opened 1password overwrote the old file (with all the passwords) with the new empty version and that's what synced.

I know dropbox has versioning, so I'm sure there is a way to recover the old files.

How do I go about that.

Please help me. I'd really appreciate it.

Thanks so much.




  • Juan,

    I'm really sorry for the trouble here, and I apologise for the delay in getting back to you. We can certainly help you to restore your data.

    The first question is if you have Time Machine backups of your previous system? Secondly, when you said that 1Password overwrote the data, did you unlock 1Password with the same master password or where you prompted for a new file?