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I am new to 1Password and have two basic questions:

First. When I backup using Time Machine under Lion, have I backed up both the 1Passport application [u]and[/u] also all the data contained therein?

Second. I wish to backup to an external drive that I keep out of my house. However, I am uncertain where the data files are stored on my hard drive. I cannot find them anywhere. (An added mystery is that when I look at the 1Password "Backup Data Folder" it indicates that the backup files are help in: Macintosh - Users - jeremyknight -Library - Application Support - 1Password -Backups - 1Password 2011-09-08. However, no matter where I look in Finder, I cannot locate this "root" as both the "Library" and "Application Support" folders are do not appear after "jeremyknight". The attached two files illustrate what I mean.)

I would welcome any help available.


  • Hi Jeremy,

    Absolutely, using Time Machine to backup will make sure that both your 1Password application, the data file and the automatic backups are all backed up.

    Of course, having extra layers of backup is never a bad thing and I think the issue you're seeing in not being able to find the backups is because you're using Lion. Apple hide the Library folder by default, so the easiest way to get to your Backup location is to open a Finder window and go to Go > Go To Folder and enter the following:

    [code]~/Library/Application Support/1Password/Backups[/code]

    You can then copy these backups to your external drive, or by default one level up from the backups folder will be your actual 1Password.agilekeychain file which you can copy to the external drive too.

    I hope that helps,
  • Hi Stu,

    Thank you for you help and advice. I am reassured by your answer and will shortly make the search through Finder.

    (This has been a good learning experience as I have never used a Forum before. On this occasion it has been great)

