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1Password 3.8.4

Hello, I am having issues on my main hard drive and it looks like I am going to have to re-install all my third party applications my second hard drive on my Mac Pro Desktop. I downloaded the latest version and installed it on my second drive. Of course I want to save all my data so I know I need my 1Password agile keychain from my original hard drive. Due to the fact that Lion hides my users library (don't like that), I copied 1Password agile keychain it to a folder in my documents folder on my second drive. When I launched 1Password on my second drive I navigated to that file and selected it. I launched 1Password and all my data is there. I would like to move the agile keychain file to where it was on my original drive but because of Lion hiding my user library that is not an option. Can I just leave the keychain file in my documents file? Or can you recommend a better solution? I don't have drop box because I only have one computer.

Second would I be better off downloading your application from the App store as I am now using Lion. I know that I bought your application well over 30 days and don't mind paying again at the App store. If in your opinion you recommend downloading from the App store I assume I will still have to do the same thing with the agile keychain. Thanks your support and any help you can give on my issue. Also, If I download your application from the App store, should I delete the older version of 1Password application and all associated files?

Respectfully, John M Breitigan


  • Hi John,

    I'm really sorry for the delay in getting back to you on this, as I'ms sure you can imagine we've been really busy over the last few weeks.

    Your data file can remain where it is if you'd like, but it shouldn't be too hard to actually copy it back to the Library folder. Open a Finder window and select Go > Go To Folder and enter the following path:

    [code]~/Library/Application Support/1Password/[/code]

    If you then quit 1Password and drag and drop your 1Password.agilekeychain file into this location you can double-click the file and again 1Password will launch with your data and it will know the new path.

    As for the [url=""]Mac App Store version[/url], right now the $19.99 pricing is a great deal, it'll give you a free upgrade to 1Password 4 when this is available, it will be really easy too since it'll come through the Mac App Store updates, and means you can easily install 1Password on all your Lion capable machines from the Mac App Store.

    I hope that helps,