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What files/folders can be removed once installing MAS version

Can/should these be removed after installing the MAS version?

~/Library/Application Support/1Password




  • I noticed after removing the ~/Library/Application Support/1Password, that upon a reboot Launch Services was complaining about the Launch Agent. So I removed it.

    I'm assuming all this is ok, since the MAS version doesn't you the Agent anymore?!


  • roustem
    roustem AgileBits Founder
    Before you delete ~/Library/LaunchAgents/ws.agile.1PasswordAgent.plist, please run the following command Terminal

    [code] launchctl unload -w ~/Library/LaunchAgents/ws.agile.1PasswordAgent.plist [/code]
  • [quote name='roustem' timestamp='1315541766' post='46089']

    Before you delete ~/Library/LaunchAgents/ws.agile.1PasswordAgent.plist, please run the following command Terminal

    [code] launchctl unload -w ~/Library/LaunchAgents/ws.agile.1PasswordAgent.plist [/code]


    What happens if we already deleted the file, and rebooted?

  • It also [i][b]appears[/b][/i] that the old ~/Library/Preferences/ws.agile.1Password.plist and ws.agile.1Password.plist.lockfile can both be deleted (as the preference files are now in the container and named differently).
  • [quote name='roustem' timestamp='1315541766' post='46089']

    Before you delete ~/Library/LaunchAgents/ws.agile.1PasswordAgent.plist, please run the following command Terminal

    [code] launchctl unload -w ~/Library/LaunchAgents/ws.agile.1PasswordAgent.plist [/code]



    Is it ok if we didn't run that command before removing the file? Will rebooting clear up launchd? I'm guessing that if we don't want to reboot, then we have to unload the Agent from launchd.....but a reboot will clear it?

  • netnothing
    netnothing Member
    edited September 2011
    [quote name='cactusj' timestamp='1315550656' post='46162']

    It also [i][b]appears[/b][/i] that the old ~/Library/Preferences/ws.agile.1Password.plist and ws.agile.1Password.plist.lockfile can both be deleted (as the preference files are now in the container and named differently).


    That's what I'm assuming as well....Roustem...can you confirm?

    Interesting that with Sandboxed apps from the MAS, prefs aren't stored in Preferences anymore. Must be one reason why Apple hides the ~/Library folder in Lion by default.

    I removed both those files and everything is working fine.

  • Hey guys....just a quick unsolicited piece of advice.

    Before you delete that old 1P keychain from the default dropbox directory where it was stored for 3.8.5 and prior (3.9 stores it in the root so you have two copies now), I'd strongly recommend you stick that puppy somewhere safe.

    I ran into some serious issues in trying to get my sync to work: conflicts that turned into duplicates that turned into data loss and that last version from right before I transitioned from 3.8.5 to 3.9 saved my bacon at least 5 times as the current file got corrupted for various reasons over the next couple hours.

    Yes, you probably have some backups that now live in your container or time machine, or super duper...but was handy, current, and close...

    just my 2 cents.
  • Ben
    Ben AWS Team
    [quote name='netnothing' timestamp='1315574350' post='46323']


    Is it ok if we didn't run that command before removing the file? Will rebooting clear up launchd? I'm guessing that if we don't want to reboot, then we have to unload the Agent from launchd.....but a reboot will clear it?



    If not, I can send you the plist so that you can put it back, run the command, and then nuke the file. Let me know if you need it.
  • [quote name='bwoodruff' timestamp='1315582145' post='46483']

    If not, I can send you the plist so that you can put it back, run the command, and then nuke the file. Let me know if you need it.


    Thanks.....waiting to here from Roustem as to whether it matters.

    I removed the file and restarted the machine multiple times. Everything look fine here.....I'm not getting errors. And when I run launchctl list, I don't see it listed.

    Just waiting for confirmation that it's ok. If not, then I might need the file.
