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Syncing across multiple machine without Dropbox

Congratulations on 1Password MAS release!

Anyway, I've upgraded to 3.9 and now wonder there's any way to relocate the database file elsewhere, e.g. my sync directory ([b]not[/b] Dropbox). Prior to 3.9, I always put the 1Password database file into a directory that are sync across multiple machine using combination of [url=]Unison[/url] and a bit of fsevent magic.

Since the app is now sandboxed, it's no longer possible to relocate the database file elsewhere. I've tried moving the database file to my sync directory and place a symlink in the container directory but 1Password can't read the database file (tried killing helper with no luck).

Is there any way I can sync the database file across multiple machines without using Dropbox? Is it possible to sync if I create another Unison profile to monitor and sync 1Password database file inside the container directory? Should I just revert back to 3.8 and stay with that version forever?

Any recommendation regarding this issue would be very appreciate, but please don't give the "use Dropbox" answer.



  • MikeT
    MikeT Agile Samurai
    Hi Sim, thanks for the congrats.

    As for the sync, you can certainly still sync the 1Password.agilekeychain package which is stored in:


    We do not support symlink, my understanding this is due to the sandboxing requirements but I'll check on that.

    I hope that helps.