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1Password App Immediately Locks After Unlocking



  • Turns out my Mac needed to reboot after installing 1Password. Not sure why (this is normally why I use Macs, because I don't need to reboot all the time).
  • Nope, I lied. The auto-locking issue is back. I am NOT gonna reboot my Mac multiple times a day for this. No way.
  • roustem
    roustem AgileBits Founder
    [quote name='MuBtafa' timestamp='1315581870' post='46475']

    Nope, I lied. The auto-locking issue is back. I am NOT gonna reboot my Mac multiple times a day for this. No way.


    Welcome to the forum. I merged your posts into an earlier thread about the same issue.

    Please try to change the auto lock setting from 20min to 30min and see if that makes any difference.

  • roustem
    roustem AgileBits Founder
    [quote name='leoofborg' timestamp='1315543278' post='46110']

    Hi Roustem... Here's another one: While ARD'ing in I did some changes to my desktop (clicking, typing)... and when I went to 1Password I *briefly* had the 'quick lock' bug again....

    But then: What I did was to quit ARD and then use the Bluetooth Keyboard directly paired to the Mini.. and didn't get the bug.

    So, is there some issue with input from remote (Or maybe ARD not using window/mouse focus) that 1Password does not expect?

    Sorry if this comes off like a shot in the dark...


    UPDATE: I just read the two posts above.... Seems like Screen Sharing / Remote / ARD is a commonality now? Or "input from a remote access client and/or control app?" (like these 'trackpad via your iPhone' using VNC apps)?


    Thank you for the follow up, Leo!

    I will try to recreate this set up.
  • Scrobz
    edited 2011 09
    I have the same problem. Though it only occurred on my mac mini. My macbook is fine.

    I think its because on the mini 1password is unware that i am using dropbox. I think dropbox locks the keychain file and therefor 1passwords locks too?

    I can't use the use dropbox button because its greyed out.

    More differences are related to the install. On my macbook it just went directly to the browser extension setup part and then the new helper menu option.

    On my mini it asked me to input a master password (like it did when I first bought 1password v3).

    Its very much possible that it is my own fault and that i didn't update to 3.8.5. I therefor deleted 3.9 via laucherapp and reinstalled 3.8.5. 3.8.5 works fine without configuring anything. Dropbox is still working. When I reinstall 3.9 again its still auto locking within seconds.
  • Fooligan
    edited 2011 09
    [quote name='Scrobz' timestamp='1315582692' post='46504']

    I can't use the use dropbox button because its greyed out.


    Is your Dropbox folder located in the root of your user directory? I had this problem at first as well, but it was due to my Dropbox folder being located in my Documents folder and not the user root. This is a requirement for the MAS version of 1Password. Once I Moved the Dropbox folder, it worked fine.
  • @Fooligan,

    Its located on my Drobo (external drive)

    That way all my personal stuff is external and I can easily switch machines if I have to.

    So switching it to documents will fix this?
  • Roustem,

    I believe that I can confirm with certainty that it is related to using some kind of remote desktop software. Last night after I got home, I disabled Lock After X Minutes, re-enabled it, and then 1Password worked flawlessly all night. This morning, I logged in remotely through LogMeIn, and the problem has returned immediately. As of right now, any time I try to disable the Lock After X Minutes remotely, it automatically locks on me so the setting can't be changed.
  • [quote name='Scrobz' timestamp='1315583405' post='46521']


    Its located on my Drobo (external drive)

    That way all my personal stuff is external and I can easily switch machines if I have to.

    So switching it to documents will fix this?


    Yes, it will have to reside directly under /user/Dropbox/. 1Password does not have the permissions to access it anywhere else. If you are going to move your folder under your user directory, make sure to use the Dropbox preferences. It is easiest that way.
  • [quote name='Fooligan' timestamp='1315583666' post='46523']


    I believe that I can confirm with certainty that it is related to using some kind of remote desktop software. Last night after I got home, I disabled Lock After X Minutes, re-enabled it, and then 1Password worked flawlessly all night. This morning, I logged in remotely through LogMeIn, and the problem has returned immediately. As of right now, any time I try to disable the Lock After X Minutes remotely, it automatically locks on me so the setting can't be changed.


    I agree, because today it's back to locking itself (even with the timeout change). My remote desktop setup involves an SSH tunnel and the Synergy client. I'll need to do more testing tonight without this running.
  • Scrobz
    edited 2011 09

    Thanks you have been of much Help!


    Did like you said, changed the dropbox to the user folder. Upgraded 1password back to 3.9. Still get the auto lock after x seconds. And the dropbox button is still not usable.

    I have to say that I too am using screen sharing to connect to the mini while testing this..
  • [quote name='Scrobz' timestamp='1315584020' post='46533']


    Thanks you have been of much Help!


    My pleasure, I am glad that I could help on that one.
  • After about 20 tries, I was finally able to disable the "Lock After X Minutes" setting using LogMeIn. My vault is no longer automatically locking after a few seconds. I still have "Lock when sleeping" and "Lock when screen saver is activated" enabled with no issues.
  • [quote name='Scrobz' timestamp='1315584020' post='46533']


    Thanks you have been of much Help!


    Did like you said, changed the dropbox to the user folder. Upgraded 1password back to 3.9. Still get the auto lock after x seconds. And the dropbox button is still not usable.

    I have to say that I too am using screen sharing to connect to the mini while testing this..


    Hmm, I am not sure what could be going on with the Dropbox sync. This is where I have my Dropbox folder:


    I am able to eliminate the auto lock bug by Disabling the "Lock after X minutes of inactivity". I just want to clarify that point.
  • New user here. Download version 3.9 from the App Store I'm running on Lion 10.7.1 and getting the same issue as everyone else, i.e. I can't get past the first screen where I need to setup a master password. I deleted and reinstalled a few times and it made difference.

    Ran the chmod command mentioned above and reran the App and it was fine. This should be either be fixed as lots of users wouldn't think to check the forums for help on this type of thing.
  • roustem
    roustem AgileBits Founder
    [quote name='Falvoid' timestamp='1315615060' post='46889']

    New user here. Download version 3.9 from the App Store I'm running on Lion 10.7.1 and getting the same issue as everyone else, i.e. I can't get past the first screen where I need to setup a master password. I deleted and reinstalled a few times and it made difference.

    Ran the chmod command mentioned above and reran the App and it was fine. This should be either be fixed as lots of users wouldn't think to check the forums for help on this type of thing.


    Thanks for finding the solution! I agree that a fix should be found asap, unfortunately, I haven't got a reply from Apple yet.
  • roustem
    roustem AgileBits Founder
    edited 2011 11
    If you have a problem with auto locking happening way too quickly, could you please run the following command and let us know what you see:


    ioreg -c IOHIDSystem | grep HIDIdleTime


    This command should display the idle time for input devices (in nanoseconds). This is what 1Password is currently using to detect that the system is idle.

    Thank you!
  • Interesting. Here's the output from the same command a second or so after each other, the first using a keyboard through Synergy, the second using the MBP keyboard directly:

    Snowmane:~ craig$ ioreg -c IOHIDSystem | grep HIDIdleTime

    | | | | | | "HIDIdleTime" = 2733432762950

    | | | | | | "HIDIdleTime" = 2733433887020

    | | | | | "HIDIdleTime" = 2733434758369

    | | | | | | | "HIDIdleTime" = 2733435842990

    | | | | | | | "HIDIdleTime" = 2733436731086

    | | | | | "HIDIdleTime" = 2733438020745

    | | | | "HIDIdleTime" = 2733438993367

    | | "HIDIdleTime" = 2733448847027

    Snowmane:~ craig$ ioreg -c IOHIDSystem | grep HIDIdleTime

    | | | | | | "HIDIdleTime" = 27767673

    | | | | | | "HIDIdleTime" = 28786239

    | | | | | "HIDIdleTime" = 29632360

    | | | | | | | "HIDIdleTime" = 30685287

    | | | | | | | "HIDIdleTime" = 31604440

    | | | | | "HIDIdleTime" = 32913097

    | | | | "HIDIdleTime" = 33767533

    | | "HIDIdleTime" = 39608832

    If I run the command multiple times through the keyboard through Synergy, the numbers just go up. They only seem to reset whenever I use the actual keyboard on the Mac.

    Like everyone else, was previously using 3.8.5 and upgraded to 3.9 through the MAS. Lion 10.7.1.

    Seems to me that this jibes with everyone else's problem a bit and 1P (or Lion) is getting larger idle times through remote connections.
  • botsmack
    edited 2011 12
    Here's my output. The first was with the MacBook Pro keyboard, no Synergy running. The second was with Synergy running and the keyboard commands sent via Synergy. Not sure if it matters, but the results were from two different days.

    [b]MacBook Pro keyboard:[/b]


    MacBook-Pro:~ richard$ ioreg -c IOHIDSystem | grep HIDIdleTime

    | | | | | | | "HIDIdleTime" = 19209810

    | | | | | | | "HIDIdleTime" = 19837075

    | | | | | | "HIDIdleTime" = 20363554

    | | | | | | | | "HIDIdleTime" = 20992143

    | | | | | | | | "HIDIdleTime" = 21527106

    | | | | | | | "HIDIdleTime" = 22304580

    | | | | | | "HIDIdleTime" = 22855068

    | | "HIDIdleTime" = 30030724


    [b]Synergy keyboard:[/b]


    MacBook-Pro:~ richard$ ioreg -c IOHIDSystem | grep HIDIdleTime

    | | | | | | | "HIDIdleTime" = 8979415330983

    | | | | | | | "HIDIdleTime" = 8979416047485

    | | | | | | "HIDIdleTime" = 8979416689671

    | | | | | | | | "HIDIdleTime" = 8979417414947

    | | | | | | | | "HIDIdleTime" = 8979418014123

    | | | | | | | "HIDIdleTime" = 8979418981603

    | | | | | | "HIDIdleTime" = 8979419566617

    | | | | | | "HIDIdleTime" = 8979426181519

    | | | | | | "HIDIdleTime" = 8979426823158

    | | | | | "HIDIdleTime" = 8979427408142

    | | "HIDIdleTime" = 8979432185620

  • roustem
    roustem AgileBits Founder
    Thank you very much for the information!

    I don't have a solution at this time as it seems that all input services show the idle time incorrectly. We will submit a request to Apple DTS and hopefully they could come up with solution.
  • Scrobz
    edited 2011 14
    This is mine using the native screen sharing app in Lion:


    ioreg -c IOHIDSystem | grep HIDIdleTime

    | | | | | | | | | "HIDIdleTime" = 91968815008698

    | | | | | | | | "HIDIdleTime" = 91968817558809

    | | | | | | | "HIDIdleTime" = 91968822457651

    | | | | | | | "HIDIdleTime" = 91968824143726

    | | | | | | "HIDIdleTime" = 91968825758560

    | | "HIDIdleTime" = 91968870366728[/CODE]

    And this is via the Mac itself:


    ioreg -c IOHIDSystem | grep HIDIdleTime

    | | | | | | | | | "HIDIdleTime" = 51302257

    | | | | | | | | "HIDIdleTime" = 52969692

    | | | | | | | "HIDIdleTime" = 56438567

    | | | | | | | "HIDIdleTime" = 58091410

    | | | | | | "HIDIdleTime" = 59640374

    | | "HIDIdleTime" = 102262087


    And a tip: Forum member Fooligan helped me a lot. It seems that even dropbox needs to be in its default location in order to get the dropbox sync working. Mine was on an external drive and therefor not working. So for all the people that have changed dropbox location that should do the trick.
  • nevesis
    edited 2011 19
    I wanted to mention that I am having the same problem as most here are. The vault is locking itself. Even after resetting it to 30 minutes instead of 20. However, I do not think this is specifically a 1Password issue. I have not found anything else yet to explain what is going on, but I wanted to post my experiences to see if this is effecting anyone else the same as me.

    I am running 10.7.1 Lion, and have upgraded to the App Store version as well. This is about when the problems started, but it could have been other changes as well. I do use desktop sharing, and also have AirDisplay installed (though currently disabled). But, my Mac is always thinking I am idle - not necessarily just 1P.

    Here are some of the other issues I am seeing:

    - When I boot up, my screen saver activates over the Apple boot logo before I even get my login screen (screensaver set to 20 minutes, machine boots very quickly)

    - Screen saver sometimes activates when I am in the middle of typing something (like this post). (again, set for 20m, and I am directly on my MBP keyboard)

    - My instant message clients think I am idle. Adium, Skype. If I set them to "Set my status as away after 20m of inactivity", I am immediately put "away". I can click this checkbox on and off and on and off and watch my status change from Avail, away, avail, away.

    I have been searching around to try and figure out what is happening, and so far is this the only place that even closely resembles this activity.

    Has anyone else had any issues outside of 1P, or has everyone's experience with this always been limited only to 1P?

    Also, my ioreg times seem to not be climbing too much between runs in my terminal, here's one run made from the local keyboard:


    $ ioreg -c IOHIDSystem | grep HIDIdleTime

    | | | | | | | "HIDIdleTime" = 18778909

    | | | | | | | "HIDIdleTime" = 19545864

    | | | | | | "HIDIdleTime" = 20207621

    | | | | | | | | "HIDIdleTime" = 21039415

    | | | | | | | | "HIDIdleTime" = 21716263

    | | | | | | "HIDIdleTime" = 22806002

    | | | | | "HIDIdleTime" = 23509839

    | | "HIDIdleTime" = 36450138


    EDIT to add comment:

    And I just wanted to point out that after reading this thread, and having AirDisplay being mentioned, I decided to uninstall it (the helper app for iOS devices, not the main app I never installed). That has solved my idle issues, and also my 1Password issues. I guess the issue (that I had at least) lays with something there. Odd that I have not seen any further discussion about it here other than roustem casually asking if it was being used by anybody.
  • Thanks for the update, nevesis! And welcome to the forums! <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/smile.png' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':)' />

    AirDisplay has caused locking issues with 1Password [url=""]in the past[/url], which is why Roustem and Chad mentioned it. It seems like there is something else going on here in most cases, though. Thanks to everyone for the information! <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/smile.png' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':)' />
  • JohnTWolff
    JohnTWolff Junior Member
    I'd like to add my two cents:

    Brand new MacMini Lion Server, 1P 3.9.0, agilekeychain in proper place on Dropbox....

    I too lock up in 2 to 15 seconds. Makes no never mind whether Lock After is set to 15, 20 or 30 minutes. Nor restarts. Not running AirDisplay either.

    What [b]does[/b] work—apparently—is turning off Auto Lock (which defeats the essential security of 1P).
  • Hey there, John! I am sorry for the trouble. This is strange indeed, since it seemed to be related to screen sharing (using VNC, AirDisplay, etc.) in other cases. Do you have Screen sharing enabled in System Preferences > Sharing at all?

    Could you please send us a Diagnostics Report? You can generate one in 1Password on your Mac by going to Help > Troubleshooting > Diagnostics Report... Just attach this to an email (support at agilebits dot com), and be sure to include any other details or screenshots you can as it will help us understand the problem better. For example, is there other notable software you have running that might be similar in function that could be causing this problem? I have not experienced this on Lion or Snow Leopard. I look forward to hearing back from you. We will get to the bottom of this. <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/smile.png' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':)' />