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1Password Licenses: Couples' Etiquette

My wife and I are ready to take the plunge on 1Password. We have an iMac, a Macbook and and 2 iPhones.

With the new App Store offering at $19.99, it would be cheapest to buy two of those rather than the $69.99 family license; but I'm assuming that won't work, since each instance of a program purchased on the App Store can be downloaded to each machine you have, and once we buy the App Store version, it will just say it's installed already, right?

We already know we're each going to have to buy the iPhone version.

Furthermore (forgive the two-issue post); we have certain services in common (Mint, Amazon, etc.) but also things on our own (she's a yahoon, I'm a gmailian). Does the program/do the licenses make those distinctions for us?

Probably muddying the waters by even asking this way. Thanks in advance for whatever responses folks have time for.


  • roustem
    roustem AgileBits Founder
    App Store is perfect for families. You can use the same account to install application of up to 5 computers. Things are even easier for iOS app with iTunes Home Sharing.

    Currently there is no easy way to share a just a portion of your data. You should probably keep your data completely separate (and have duplicate items for shared services).