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I want a refund for the difference


I bought 1Password on 24th August. You've now released the same product on the Mac App Store for half the price. I'd like to be refunded for the difference as you've ripped me off.


  • Ben
    Ben AWS Team
    Hi TechnoFreddo,

    Welcome to the forums! <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/smile.png' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':)' />

    Those are pretty strong words there. This is no different than any other sale. If you bought peanut butter from the grocery store for $2.99 one week and the next week it is on sale for $1.99, have they ripped you off? No. You just missed the sale.

    In any event, I would be happy to refund your entire purchase. Please feel free to use a portion of that money to purchase a copy of 1P from the MAS, as it will include a free upgrade to 1P4 (essentially yielding 1P4 for 60% off and 1P3 for free). I do not have any record of any purchase associated with the email address you used to register here, however. Please send me a private message with the email address you used to purchase and a link to this thread and I will be happy to issue the refund.
