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New MAS user - back-license for Snow Leopard?

Hi, fairly new 1Password for Mac user here. My free trial is almost up, and the 50% discount for the new MAS version was enough for me to finally purchase, which I did today. However, I have an older Mac at work that can't be upgraded to Lion, and I need to use 1Password there too. I'll probably buy the extra license if I need to, but I was wondering:

Is it possible to get a discounted Snow Leopard license now that I've bought the MAS version? This would be in keeping with the old licensing model, which allowed use of one license for home and work machines.




  • Ben
    Ben AWS Team
    Hi Brett,

    Welcome to the forums and to 1Password. Please check your private messages. <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/smile.png' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':)' />
