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Can't get started with existing database

I downloaded the MAS version and, upon starting, I get the initial screen. Instead of "Find Existing" like the support page shows as an option, I get "I have already used 1Password."

I select that, I get a file dialog box to find my existing file. I choose my 1Password file from the root of my Dropbox folder (which is in my home directory).

After that, the initial screen goes away and, while 1Password is running and has a menu bar, there is no window, and no way to open one.

Close the program, restart, and I'm back to step 1.




  • +1 I had the same exact problem. Posted the question on twitter, still waiting for reply (it was only a few minutes ago).
  • I have the exact problem. Please help!!!
  • The fix posted [url=""]here[/url] helped me with this problem (under can not find my existing data file)
  • MikeT
    MikeT Agile Samurai
    Hi guys,

    Please follow sandman4sure's suggestion, the "1Password Cannot Find My Existing Data" FAQ item should resolve your issue as well.
  • [quote name='MikeT' timestamp='1315582280' post='46487']

    Hi guys,

    Please follow sandman4sure's suggestion, the "1Password Cannot Find My Existing Data" FAQ item should resolve your issue as well.


    It doesn't work. i really don't understand what i have to do with all of this. i just want to use a program i pay for.
  • MikeT
    MikeT Agile Samurai
    [quote name='Andrey' timestamp='1315584194' post='46537']

    It doesn't work. i really don't understand what i have to do with all of this. i just want to use a program i pay for.


    I'm sorry to hear that it didn't work. The app is not working because there is an issue with one of the system files that interferes with how 1Password works. The instructions in the FAQ is supposed to fix that issue. We have notified Apple about this.

    Can you test something for us?


    [*]Launch which can be found in the /Applications/Utilities folder.

    [*]Click the "Clear Display" button on the toolbar.

    [*]Launch 1Password and reproduce the problem. Then wait 15 seconds to let the Console refresh.

    [*]Press Command-A to select all the logs and Command-C to copy them to your clipboard.

    [*]Paste them here


  • not happy, I purchased it and I can't even start it??

    9/9/11 9:34:26.948 AM [0x0-0x20020].com.agilebits.onepassword-osx: Sep 9 09:34:26 Toonskis-iMac.local 1Password[306] <Debug>: [39001] <AGBonjourMonitor: 0x7f834ae5c460> - -[AGBonjourMonitor stop]

    9/9/11 9:34:31.289 AM Session 100017 created

    9/9/11 9:34:31.428 AM Session 100018 created

    9/9/11 9:34:31.456 AM FAILURE: Failed to write property list at /var/db/launchd.db/ (The operation couldn’t be completed. Permission denied)

    9/9/11 9:34:31.457 AM 1Password: Failed to start 1Password Helper

    9/9/11 9:34:31.457 AM 1Password: [39001] Failed to start 1Password Helper

    9/9/11 9:34:31.457 AM 1Password: [39001] Connecting to 1Password Helper

    9/9/11 9:34:31.457 AM [0x0-0x29029].com.agilebits.onepassword-osx: Sep 9 09:34:31 Toonskis-iMac.local 1Password[349] <Error>: [39001] Failed to start 1Password Helper

    9/9/11 9:34:31.457 AM [0x0-0x29029].com.agilebits.onepassword-osx: Sep 9 09:34:31 Toonskis-iMac.local 1Password[349] <Notice>: [39001] Connecting to 1Password Helper

    9/9/11 9:34:31.458 AM 1Password: Connection invalid

    9/9/11 9:34:31.458 AM 1Password: [39001] Connection invalid

    9/9/11 9:34:31.458 AM [0x0-0x29029].com.agilebits.onepassword-osx: Sep 9 09:34:31 Toonskis-iMac.local 1Password[349] <Error>: [39001] Connection invalid

    9/9/11 9:34:36.460 AM 1Password: [39001] Refreshing Helper

    9/9/11 9:34:36.460 AM [0x0-0x29029].com.agilebits.onepassword-osx: Sep 9 09:34:36 Toonskis-iMac.local 1Password[349] <Notice>: [39001] Refreshing Helper
  • Ben
    Ben AWS Team
    Thanks artysta! I'm really sorry this didn't work out of the box, but it appears that there is an issue with your system (not caused by 1Password). I believe we have a fix for this though.

    Please try launching the Terminal application from the /Applications/Utilities folder and then pasting this command:

    chmod -RN /var/db/launchd.db/$UID/overrides.plist

    Please let me know how it turns out.
  • I had the same problem, and this did work. Thanks!

    [quote name='bwoodruff' timestamp='1315586666' post='46567']

    Please try launching the Terminal application from the /Applications/Utilities folder and then pasting this command:

    chmod -RN /var/db/launchd.db/$UID/overrides.plist

  • Andrey
    edited September 2011
    Sorry, Mike!

    It worked! All is great it seems to be! Thanks for help! It was my missunderstanding with .501.
  • MikeT
    MikeT Agile Samurai
    [quote name='Andrey' timestamp='1315598354' post='46735']

    Sorry, Mike!

    It worked! All is great it seems to be! Thanks for help! It was my missunderstanding with .501.

    [/quote]Thanks for the update, I'm glad it works now!