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MAS, 1Password 3.9 and Dropbox

I just migrated from 1Password 3.8 to the MAS version 3.9. I've been storing the keychain file in my Dropbox folder (~/Documents/Dropbox/) and it has worked fine. When I first launched the 3.9 version I selected that I'm a previous user and continued to select the keychain file.

When I checked the preferences, it says the keychain file is in 3.9's sandboxed directory and the one in my Dropbox folder hasn't been updated. There's a "Use Dropbox" button in preferences, but it's grayed out (disabled).

What should I do to move the keychain file back to the Dropbox folder?


  • I'm having the exact problem. I've been using Dropbox to store my keychain file for over a year. 3.9 has reverted to an old keychain and won't let me change to my Dropbox copy. The button is greyed out. What a complete FUBAR!
  • I had the same problem, but I found out what the issue is. 1Password 3.9 REQUIRES that your Dropbox folder be in the default location. Which is useless because I don't know anyone who leaves their Dropbox folder in their home directory root. This sucks and makes 1Password 3.9 unusable for me. I hope they fix it soon!
  • [quote name='platkus' timestamp='1315580115' post='46432']

    I had the same problem, but I found out what the issue is. 1Password 3.9 REQUIRES that your Dropbox folder be in the default location. Which is useless because I don't know anyone who leaves their Dropbox folder in their home directory root. This sucks and makes 1Password 3.9 unusable for me. I hope they fix it soon!


    I think this is Apples issue with Sanboxing and not Agile's.
  • Nope, it's not Apple's issue. It's definitely Agilebits'. Apple doesn't require Sandboxing. Sandboxing will be required in November, but iCloud will be out before then. Agilebits should have released 3.9 without Sandboxing and maintained their current Dropbox support. Then switched to iCloud syncing with the Sandbox release. More work for them? Sure, but less disruptive for customers. Look how many Dropbox support posts there are on here today.
  • mikkoo
    edited September 2011
    That seemed to be the case. I believe the sandboxing requires folders that application wishes to use to be defined in advance, so this is the reason why only the default folder is supported.

    After moving the Dropbox folder to the root of home directory, 1Password now sees it, "Use Dropbox" button is enabled and keychain can be stored there.
  • Ben
    Ben AWS Team
    [quote name='mikkoo' timestamp='1315586926' post='46572']

    That seemed to be the case. I believe the sandboxing requires folders that application wishes to use to be defined in advance, so this is the reason why only the default folder is supported.

    After moving the Dropbox folder to the root of home directory, 1Password now sees it, "Use Dropbox" button is enabled and keychain can be stored there.


    Glad to hear you were able to get this resolved! <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/smile.png' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':)' />
  • chigaze
    chigaze Junior Member
    Definitely a problem for me as I maintain two separate Dropbox accounts (home and work) and sync my keychain file using a Dropbox folder shared between accounts. However there is a solution Agilebits could use. Because there are number of apps that use Dropbox to sync I set created a folder in Dropbox called Application Support. In that I have another folder called DropBox (as well as folders for the other apps that use this space). In a future build perhaps Agilebits could define that file path as valid and we can go from there.
  • chigaze
    chigaze Junior Member
    OK, there may be a workaround for me. Dropbox appears to see keychain as a folder, which makes sense since it's a package, so I may be able to share it between the accounts. I still don't really like the idea of having to put the keychain in the main Dropbox folder, it feels disorderly. <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/smile.png' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':)' />
  • kop48
    kop48 Junior Member
    edited September 2011
    I am also seeing this issue. I have my Documents folder symlinked in my Dropbox. I would like 1Password to NOT try to search for my Dropbox location, but rather allow me to point it to the correct file in Documents.

    Regardless, this is frustrating. I don't know what changed between 3.9 and 3.8, but it basically makes 1Password unusable for me.

    I'm getting 'file denied' error message when 1Password tries to access my keychain:

  • Ben
    Ben AWS Team
    Hi kop48,

    This is due to application sandboxing. We can only access locations on the file system that we request and Apple approves. My understanding is they are pretty strict in what they'll approve. We do not have permission to access the Documents folder, only the default folder that 1Password creates the keychain in (inside ~/Library) and the Dropbox folder IF it is located at ~/Dropbox.

  • Any workarounds in the mix? This limits my use of 1P on two of my four machines.
  • Ben
    Ben AWS Team
    Hey ddzenfood,

    Welcome to the forums! <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/smile.png' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':)' />

    If you could explain your setup for us we might be able to find a suitable workaround for you.