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Money back guarantee

edited September 2011 in Mac
[b]I'd like to use the 30-day money back guarantee. The support email is closed so I'm posting here.[/b]

[b]I bought 1password a few days ago and noticed its now in the app store for cheaper. (and I like being able to update through the app store. I'm not *just* cheap)[/b]




  • Ben
    Ben AWS Team
    Refunded in full. Please feel free to use some of those funds to purchase over at the MAS. <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/smile.png' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':)' />
  • Holy carp that was fast. Thanks!
    edited September 2011
    [b]Hi, I have the same problem[/b]

    [b]I bought 1password a few days ago and noticed its now in the app store for cheaper. [/b]

    [b]I'd like to use the 30-day money back guarantee. [/b]

    [b]Thank you![/b]
  • Ben
    Ben AWS Team
    Refunded. <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/smile.png' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':)' />
  • new record! less than a minute! thanks
  • It sure would be nice if AgileBits was this responsive to it's long term customers who have paid for multiple versions and want to stick with the product, despite the numerous problems that exist, aren't acknowledge, and aren't getting fixed.
  • Ben
    Ben AWS Team
    Hey Amphibious,

    I don't think that's really fair. I have yet to see a thread on these forums that hasn't gotten a proper response. If you can point me to one, I'd be happy to give one now. There are admittedly a couple of minor outstanding issues but most of the Lion-related stuff has been fixed. If you are still having an issue that hasn't been addressed, let me know and I'll do my best to answer.

  • cuds1212
    edited September 2011
    Please add me to the list of [i]very[/i] recent purchasers who would like a refund so that I can go buy it through the MAS <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/skype_smile.png' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':-)' />


    - Kevin
  • I bought 1Password via the site. Saw it was in the Mac App Store, and contacted for a refund a few days ago. I have gotten no response, what should I do?
  • Sorry for the delay Bear, I just replied to you on Twitter to get your refund taken care of.
  • snowballx
    edited September 2011
    I submitted through email but havent received a response either, am I able to get the refund so I can purchase it through the AppStore?



    [i]Edit: By the way it was purchased on the 21/8 within the 30 day period <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/smile.png' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':)' />[/i]
  • I also bought the app from your website on Saturday, only to be told by my CTO this morning that the App Store version is not only cheaper but will be the only version supported in the future. Can I upgrade to the App version and/or have a refund?


  • Hello,

    I have the same issue as well. I bought the software about 3 weeks ago and realized last week about the Mac App store version. I wasn't exactly sure where to voice this message until I ran across this thread. I would gladly purchase that version if I could get a refund on my other version.


  • Jim, Mark and Beau,

    Sorry for the delays in refunding your orders, I've just located your details on the system and issued you all a full refund.

    I've left your purchased licenses from our store active as 1Password 3.9 at the Mac App Store is for Lion only and you can use the current license to register 1Password on older Macs. To upgrade to the Mac App Store version of 1Password:

    1. Make sure you have the latest version of 1Password installed by using 1Password > Check for Updates. This installs the latest version of 1PasswordAgent process. The latest version will automatically remove itself when the Mac App Store version of 1Password is started.

    2. Move old copy of to Trash.

    3. Install 1Password from [url=""]Mac App Store[/url]

    The important thing to keep in mind is that the Mac App Store version is sandboxed and has very limited access to your file system. It can only store data in its Container folder (~/Library/Containers/com.agilebits.onepassword-osx-helper/Data/Documents/1Password.agilekeychain) or in Dropbox.

    If your data is already stored on Dropbox then 1Password will keep using it. If your data was stored in the previous default location (~/Library/Application Support/1Password) then it will be automatically moved into the Container.

    After you make your purchase from the Mac App Store, please consider rating 1Password there, it really helps promote 1Password and it means a lot to everyone here.
  • Thanks Stu, will leave a high rating <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/smile.png' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':)' />
  • Yes, thanks Stu that was a very quick reply! I will definitely leave a high rating for such good customer service!
  • Hey Stu,

    I mailed a few days ago for the refund because I just bought the app and then saw the app on the App Store.

    Can you refund me for my purchase so I can buy this great app in the MAS?

    If you need further details, mail/twitter me <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/wink.png' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=';)' />


  • I also would like the money back guarantee. I only purchased 1Password from your website because I could not find it in the Mac app store for the Mac. Now I see it there for $10 less then I paid on September 5th! I have been less then happy with the new upgrade I just did. It does not work nearly as well as the one I downloaded on September 5th. Is there a way to go back? Also if I purchase it again from the Mac app store, how will I keep all the work I have already put into it - I've spent days inputting information and I don't want to lose all of that. If I cannot save that, then I won't ask for the money back guarantee as I don't have another few days to spend putting everything back in. I do use Dropbox and it goes to from my desktop Mac to my laptop also. I also purchased it for my iPhone thru the app store but have not set that up yet. Thank-you for your reply.

    P.S. the problems I am having after I updated was it just would not fill in the websites without me going and clicking on the Safari extension and going to the list and double clicking it - however in the newest version, that list starts scrolling when you try to click on one and keeps going back to the alphabetical top of the list making it almost impossible to click on - I find myself just having to cut and paste and then wonder why use 1Password, that is what I did in keychains. Obviously it could not be intended to work this way - what is wrong with it and will it be fixed? If not, can I go back to the version I purchased on September 5th? It worked much better.
  • Ben
    Ben AWS Team

    It appears you have already been refunded. <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/smile.png' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':)' />


    I was not able to find any purchases matching the email address that you used to register for the forums. Please send me a PM with a link to this thread and the email address you used to purchase so I can connect the dots. <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/smile.png' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':)' />
  • hello,

    i bought 1password in the last 30 days and like to refund to get the MAS 3.9 version.

  • Ben
    Ben AWS Team
    [quote name='msart2k' timestamp='1316238636' post='49823']


    i bought 1password in the last 30 days and like to refund to get the MAS 3.9 version.




    I was not able to find any purchases that were made from us for you. Did you perhaps purchase from another company? If so you will need to contact the company you purchased from to make arrangements for a refund.

    Sorry for the inconvenience.
