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Cannot open my 1Password file with the Master Password

I purchased the Mac App store version... I'm a consultant and need to know about it, tho I was satisfied with 3.8.3 which was working well enough. I am not crazy about the recent changes in the Safari extension, but 1Password itself works well.

I can open the new version, 3.9. I click the "I have already used..." button, that works. I click on the "Unlock" menu item under the 1Password menu, and after selecting my 1Password file (in my Dropbox folder) my master password is not accepted.

I can open the older version, and unlock with my master password, but not the new version.

Mac Pro early 2008, Mac OS X 10.7.1

This is a complete waste of effort and money for me, and until the bugs are out, I will not be recommending the Mac App store version to my clients.

Please don't release broken software!


  • Ben
    Ben AWS Team
    Hi ChazMacs,

    Welcome to the forums! Sorry to hear about the trouble. Can you please check for me and see if 1Password 3.9 is actually looking at your keychain in Dropbox?

    1Password > Preferences > General

    Under "Your Data Stored In" it should show something like:

    Users > you > Dropbox > 1Password.agilekeychain
  • ChazMacs
    ChazMacs Junior Member
    After clicking on the button indicating that I am a past user, I select the appropriate file in my Dropbox folder. Then, when I go to Preferences, "Your Data Stored In is followed by a light blue grey field, which is blank. There is a button to use Dropbox, which is greyed out and unusable.
  • I have exactly the same problem...
  • I have exactly the same problem, and I did check that 1 Password 3.9 is showing the agile key chain in Drop Box. I tried a different approach and reopened the new version from the installation on window, I was asked to click on the window that said are you a current user. When I did I got a popup box of my finder asking me to click on the drop box agile chain file . When I found that and clicked on open, the window and everything just disappeared. So I tried the same approach the two users above tried, and also got a greyed out box. As near as I can tell this is unusable unless I reload all my passwords -- not a good scenario.
  • Hopefully a fix will be forthcoming.... Until then Ive uninstalled the MAS version and gone back to 3.8
  • kop48
    kop48 Junior Member
    I have a similar issue, however, I symlink my documents folder into my Dropbox folder, so the location for my keychain is coming up as being in Documents. Unfortunately, there appears to be an issue with some permissions as I am getting a read-denied error from the 1PasswordAgent in my console. I've added more details here:

  • khad
    khad Social Choreographer
    Try moving your 1Password.agilekeychain data file in Finder to the desktop and then relaunch 1Password. When you are prompted, select "I have already used 1Password" and then select your data file from the desktop. To enable Dropbox syncing again, click the "Use Dropbox" button in 1Password's preferences.

    Please let me know how it goes.
  • have the exact same problem

    already tried what khad suggested with no results
  • I have tried the above. I have also tried installing with 3.8 installed, and I have tried a clean install (having removed 3.8 completely) and exactly the same problem as described above. 3.9 simply won't work. The odd thing is, I installed 3.9 on my macbook (which had 3.8 on) and it worked fine. When I installed it, it didn't even ask me for my data file location, (I guess because 3.8 was still installed) but it found the data file and works fine on the macbook. PLEASE can we have a fix for this problem as my iMac is my MAIN computer and 3.9 will simply not work.
  • Hi,

    have the exact same problem.

    I wasn't even able to create a new File and try to restore from an Backup. The Continue Button from the "Enter Master Password" simply does nothing.

    I reinstalled 3.8.5 and i hope this will be fixed in some time.

    Btw. very nice idea to let the user search the 1password file. Mine is in the default Location beneath Library. I am not able to browse there with this damn Finder so i had to copy it first somewhere.

  • The fix for me was in the FAQ section here: Under '[u][b][size=5]1Password Cannot Find My Existing Data'[/size][/b][/u]


    I just copied the line below into Terminal

    ls -@BFHWdel /var/db/launchd.db/$UID/overrides.plist

    Confirmed I did have the extended attributes listed and then ran the command to delete them

    chmod -N /var/db/launchd.db/`id -u`/overrides.plist

    As soon as I relaunched the new 1Password, it presents the usual style unlock screen and accepts my Master Password

    Not really Agiles fault it didn't work before, and just happy they put out a cure

  • [quote name='Mike of Oxford' timestamp='1315842961' post='48193']

    The fix for me was in the FAQ section here: Under '[u][b][size=5]1Password Cannot Find My Existing Data'[/size][/b][/u]


    I just copied the line below into Terminal

    ls -@BFHWdel /var/db/launchd.db/$UID/overrides.plist

    Confirmed I did have the extended attributes listed and then ran the command to delete them

    chmod -N /var/db/launchd.db/`id -u`/overrides.plist


    Thank you for posting this! For a minute there I was very upset of how this transition was handled technically. I have my data on Dropbox and it did NOT work automatically.
  • MIKE: Thanks very much for posting this. Mine works now and it has been driving me crackers! Thanks again Sir...
  • Ben
    Ben AWS Team
    Thank you for the assist Mike!