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What is the proper way to stop using Dropbox with the new MAS version?

Say I no longer wish to sync my 1password keychain using Dropbox. Where do I move the keychain in Dropbox now to? I assume right-click on 1Password app and Show Package Contents.. then what? I'm trying to avoid rebuilding all my logins. Thanks.


  • Ben
    Ben AWS Team
    Hi sabrewulf,

    I'm very sorry we were not able to respond sooner.


    We now have a handy button built right into 1Password for this. No need to be manually moving things around the file system.


  • Thanks for the reply. Where does the keychain go once you click on the "stop using dropbox" button?
  • khad
    khad Social Choreographer
    From the [url=""]Mac App Store FAQ[/url] thread which is pinned to the top of this forum:

    "…the Mac App Store version is sandboxed and has very limited access to your file system. It can only store data in its Container folder ([b]~/Library/Containers/com.agilebits.onepassword-osx-helper/Data/Documents/1Password.agilekeychain[/b]) or in Dropbox."

    If you stop using Dropbox then your data file will be automatically moved into the Container at that location.