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Features Missing from 1Password 3.9

There appear to be a number of features that I use which didn't make the jump from 3.8.5 to 3.9. Here is the list I'm aware of, having not upgraded yet (and performing due diligence).

1. [b]3.8.5 Feature: Bookmarklets.[/b] Bookmarklets created on my Mac can subsequently be synced to my phone. I understand that this is due to export restrictions on Blowfish–which were not encountered when self-releasing.

2. [b]3.8.5 Feature: Dropbox folder in any location.[/b] This approach is used to move library data off of my primary hard drive (a SSD). The reason for this is presumably the sandboxing "Container" feature in OS X Lion where you have to explicitly register what files on the file system 1Password has access to.

3. [b]3.8.5 Feature: Selectively loading keychains.[/b] I use this functionality combined with Dropbox to sync keychains between myself, clients, and other people who are working on a project. These keeps passwords silo-ed and available to all who need them, when they need them. Again, likely a casualty because of the "Container" feature.

4. [b]3.8.5 Feature: Resiliency of data.[/b] Due to Apple's focus on ease of use for application install and uninstalls, there is now a possibility that a user could accidentally destroy all of their password data. The way to do this is now exposed in a user-interface (Launchpad) instead of the file system. I don't like the possibility of my clients or parents accidentally deleting their files.

5. [b]3.8.5 Feature: Purchase not linked to iTunes account.[/b] iTunes accounts make sense for individuals, but as they exist right now make very little sense for businesses. I use 1Password in enterprise environments and figuring out how to handle that license via iTunes is often a mess.

Workarounds exist for some of these (symlinks) but they're more annoying to do and impossible to explain to somebody who I have to talk through doing it on the phone. In fact I already wanted you guys to add a feature to allow loading of multiple keychains at the same time, so in some senses I feel like this is a step backward.

However, these are complaints that are all due to constraints placed by Apple for inclusion in the App Store–artificial limitations of playing in Apple's walled garden. I don't blame you for them. They are, however, detrimental to my use cases for 1Password, a power user and evangelist for your software ([url=""]http://www.nathanham...dents-and-death[/url]).

Please note that I'm not begrudging you making your decisions as to how best to run your company. You guys alone know all the tradeoffs you're making. I simply wish to share with you my use cases so you can effectively evaluate your decisions. Personally, I hope you create a path forward that is outside of the App Store, or find a way to release a version through the App Store that doesn't suffer from the same limitations (as I'm sure you would as well).

I'd appreciate a response, though I know you're buried in comments right now.

Nathan Hammond


  • hmurchison
    hmurchison Junior Member
    Once iCloud hits it should neatly erase the issues with Dropbox location and backups.

    I presume that the Mac App Store will eventually become part of the Volume Purchase Program from Apple which allows

    business to create a VPP Apple ID...purchase in quantity and distribute internally in whatever way works best for them.

    It's going to be interesting to see how the Mac App Store evolves over time to encompass the needs of Business as well

    as the individual.

    I'd like to see the ability for iCloud to store 3rd party crypto keys and other features that can be managed in a Enterprise setting.

    Baby steps
  • [quote name='hmurchison' timestamp='1315602912' post='46802']

    Once iCloud hits it should neatly erase the issues with Dropbox location and backups.


    Not for me, unless ICloud features Windows Phone 7 and Windows 7+ compatibility...
  • hmurchison
    hmurchison Junior Member
    [quote name='kallemia' timestamp='1315611068' post='46855']

    Not for me, unless ICloud features Windows Phone 7 and Windows 7+ compatibility...


    Windows 7 phone's gonna be an issue. Windows 7+ shouldn't be an issue for data save for

    small Key Value Data (not supported)
  • I just hope they retain DropBox compatibility and add iCloud as an alternative choice.
  • hmurchison
    hmurchison Junior Member

    Dropbox support is still a must. The legwork is there and I doubt Drobox changes the product enough the warrant a lot of upkeep.
  • Ben
    Ben AWS Team
    I do not believe we will drop Dropbox (no pun intended) in favor of iCloud. The final details haven't been worked out yet, but hopefully as you mentioned they will be able to live in harmony.


    I definitely appreciate you bringing your perspective to the table on this. As you might imagine, we don't like removing features or killing peoples workflow any more than anyone else. On a number of these issues, our hands are tied due to Mac App Store restrictions. Some of them I can envision changing in the future, others I imagine won't. I'm sorry if that's a vague answer to your well written post, but we're brand new to the App Store and don't have all the answers yet ourselves. I think Apple is still working some things out (such as how to realistically support businesses) and we'll be very happy to implement any changes we can to improve things like that.

    Welcome to the forums!
  • Ben, thank you for your response. Everybody else appears up in arms about it, and though I'm not particularly excited by the changes, I certainly don't believe that you're "out to get me." I mostly just wanted to share how it impacts me so that in your further internal conversations you have a reasoned argument to refer to as opposed to an impassioned one. <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/smile.png' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':)' />

    I recognize that most of the difficulty here is caused by Apple's bullheadedness with regards to their App Store rules. They make the rules, you try and follow them to the best of your ability. I don't hold you responsible for Apple's crimes, and I know that the new-ness of it all (paired with the vacuum of information from Apple) is why you can't really be concrete about possible changes in the future.

    For now I'm sticking with Snow Leopard as Lion isn't a particularly compelling update for me (if for no other reason than having to reinstall all of my development tools in their specific order and versions). Presuming continued security updates as point releases for 3.8 I'll remain completely happy.

    In fact, that does make me aware of one additional weakness of going with the App Store approach: in the event of a security-related bug you are now dependent upon Apple for pushing an update. I don't know how quickly your users upgrade so I don't know if going with the App Store approach is a net positive, but it can be construed as a negative for me.

    Of course, please keep us updated as you have more information. Communicating changes is key. <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/smile.png' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':)' />
  • Hey guys!

    I would appreciate, if you could choose as many fields as you like, e.g. in 'identities' 2 skype-names...?


  • Ben
    Ben AWS Team
    Thanks for the feedback billabong7. <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/smile.png' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':)' />