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3.9 Update Process created 2 keychains in Dropbox [Answered]

I have an iMac, a MacBookPro, and an IPAD. I previously had 1password on all 3 machines not using Dropbox. SO after reading the info on the app store version I decided to convert. So I set up a dropbox account and updated the iMac to the current version, connected to dropbox and then bought the new 3.9 version. Only thing wrong here was that I deleted the old 1password after updating. But the app appeared to work and connected to the dropbox which had been created in the old 3.8 version. Then I updated the iPad and this appeared to work ok[ 1password for the IPAD}. Then I installed the 3.9 1password on my Macbookpro and it attached to the local keychain first, but I then selected dropbox and it appeared to upload the local database that it had because it was using the old password. I changed the password and got somewhat lost. But I added a secure note on the MacBookPro and it ended up on the iMac.

The problem is that if I look at dropbox, there are 2 keychains of about the same size, about 10MB. One has the default name and the other has a name of 1password-337321494.agilekeychain. Is one of these bogus and can be deleted? How do I tell which keychain each machine is using?


  • Ben
    Ben AWS Team
    Hi there,

    You can tell which keychain is in use by looking at the 1Password > Preferences > General window. There is a section for "Your Data Stored In." Make sure that is the same on both computers.

    In addition, you can see which keychain the iOS device is using by opening in /Applications/Utilities and running this command:

    cat ~/Dropbox/ws.agile.1Password.settings

    This should return either 1Password.agilekeychain or 1password-337[..].agilekeychain
  • roustem
    roustem AgileBits Founder
    1Password should be using the "1Password.agilekeychain".

    The 1Password-<timestamp>.keychain would be created if you where moving existing data to Dropbox and there was a file already.

    However, it is hard to say which one you should keep without looking at the data. Does your current data look fine? Can you check the size of both?
  • lasleyma
    lasleyma Junior Member
    bwoodruff: Here are the results:

    1. The iMac points to the dropbox 1Password.agilekeychain[and also from Safari] This uses the new master password.

    2. The MBP points to the dropbox 1Password.agilekeychain[but in Safari it takes the old password to unlock, but when 1password is launched, it takes the new password.]

    3. From both the iMac and the MBP the terminal cat command returned nothing [No such file or directory]

    The iMac is pointing to the correct 1password list of sites and safari there is the same.

    The MBP has safari pointing to a wrong one. But 1 password is connected to the right one.

    The IPAD says it is using dropbox - [i] just don't know if it's the correct one.[/i]

    [i]Any further ideas?[/i]
  • lasleyma
    lasleyma Junior Member
    Everything works now. I did some tests on changes and found that all three devices were posting changes to the other 2 devices correctly. This told me that they were all connected to the default keychain(I think.}

    So on the MBP I uninstalled the extension in Safari and then reinstalled it from 1password. This worked and the MBP and Safari both used the new password.

    Then after some more testing on the IPAD and gaining confidence it was working, I just changed the password of the "1password of the IPAD" app to the same password as the other 2 machines. Apparently?, the iPad app stores the master password locally and not in dropbox? Anyway, this seemed to work. All through these tests, the time-stamped keychain file did not change its Date Modified, but the default one did. So I took the leap and deleted the Dropbox time-stamped keychain from the Dropbox on the MBP. It deleted and was also gone on the iMac. Everything still worked so problem solved - now I have only one keychain in dropbox. Thanks for the help.
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