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Helper does not launch automatically


I am a new user to 1Password, having purchased yesterday from MAS. So, I have no baggage (or experience) with the product. I am running OS X 10.7.1 and Safari 5.1

I do have checked in preferences to "keep helper running" and "show icon in menu bar". However, the icon is not there (nor is helper running) at system launch/login. Is it supposed to be?

Once I fire up the main 1Password app (either from the Safari extension, or from Applications), the helper appears, and then stays there (even after quitting the app), until I shut down.


  • Ben
    Ben AWS Team
    Hi HenryAZ,

    Sorry for the delayed reply. Yes, the helper should be starting when you boot your system. Can you please try running Disk Utility in /Applications/Utilities and using it to repair the permissions on your hard drive? Once that is complete, launch 1Password and uncheck the box for keeping the helper running. Quit all web browsers and 1Password. Launch 1Password again, and recheck that box. Then restart your Mac.

    Please let us know how it goes.

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