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Save login doesn't appear to work. When I try again I have 2 entries.

I have been using 1P with 10.6.8 for about a month. It is completely up to date. (3.8.5) I have noticed, most recently registering for this forum today, that when I click Save (autosave mode) I do not see the login saved in either my 1P app or my Chrome extension. So I go back and repeat the process, and now I have 2 copies of the login. It is as if there is some delay between my clicking Save and the login appearing in the login list.

Is this a known issue? Is there a fix? I cannot say if this occurs every time or not (since my initial installation, I do not add new logins very often), but it has happened about 3 times, with 3 different sites, and with this most recent update as well as the previous one or 2 versions of 1P.


  • roustem
    roustem AgileBits Founder

    There are things that I could think of:

    1. There is small delay between saving the Login in Safari and this Login appearing 1Password or Chrome. Usually it is very short (5-10 seconds) but it is possible for it to be longer than that.

    2. A bigger problem could be when Safari extension cannot connect to 1Password. If you check the Troubleshooting report in Safari, you will be able to detect it:

  • @roustem,

    Just to be clear, I am not currently doing anything with Safari. I am autosaving the login while using Chrome.

    It sounds as if this might be usual behavior, and I am not being patient enough. Next time I will just wait 10 seconds or so before checking if the login appears in 1P. I will let you know if waiting doesn't fix the "problem."
