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New 1password user finding iPad workflow near impossible

As far as I can see, about the only thing I can do in 1password for iPad is to go straight to the top-level URL for a login entry. This excludes so much, I find it hard to picture how it's going to be useful. Examples of a couple of things I can't see how to do:

1. go to a link within a password-secured site I have a 1password login entry for. Say I copy the link from elsewhere, eg an email. So I open 1P, and there doesn't seem to be a way to even open the browser (other than by selecting a login entry). So how do I open the link?

2. Create a new login at a site. Again, there isn't a way just to open an empty 1P browser, or to otherwise directly open a link. If I circumvent this by, say, opening a different login and then pasting a copied link for the new site into the address bar, then at that new login page I don't have access to the password generator.

That's just a couple of scenarios.

1P garners such glowing reviews, I'm hoping that I have just got the wrong end of the stick here. I'd love some hints from anyone who finds 1P useful.


  • khad
    khad Social Choreographer
    Welcome to the forums, CrisB!

    Your workaround is precisely what I would recommend until we make some improvements to 1Password for iPad: If you tap a URL to open the browser, you can then paste the link in the address bar.

    It is not the most intuitive, but it ends up being the same number of taps (2) as it would be if we added a button to open the browser.

    We are also looking to improve the process for saving Logins on the iPad as more and more folks are using them as their main computers.

    Thanks for letting us know what you are looking for. It really helps to get feedback from users like you. If we can be further assistance, please let us know. We are always here to help!
  • Thanks for replying.

    So am I to understand that the iPad app is due an update in the not too distant future? I have to say I'm somewhat disappointed by it so far. I bought it and the mac version as a replacement for Lastpass, which seems to have stagnated somewhat. But I have to say, for all it's less than beautiful interface, in its current form, Lastpass is more functional on the iPad than 1password.

    One suggestion for the future -- you could make it so that if there's a URL on the pasteboard, offer to open it in the browser (cf Instapaper).
  • khad
    khad Social Choreographer
    Unfortunately, I don't have any information on when the app will be updated, but please keep an eye on our blog for information. Of course, you will see the update in the App Store automatically too, so you don't have to spend too much time focusing on it. <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/skype_smile.png' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':-)' />

    [quote]One suggestion for the future -- you could make it so that if there's a URL on the pasteboard, offer to open it in the browser (cf Instapaper).[/quote]

    I like that. I'll make sure the developers consider this. It sure is handy in Instapaper.