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Lack of Export Options. [Answered]


I've been a long time user of 1password and just upgraded to the 3.9 MAS version. I'm sad to see the option for exporting encrypted html gone. Why is this option no longer available? Will it be available in version 4? Will there be more export options in version 4?

Every month I create an encrypted html file and I back that file up to a cloud server. I like the idea of having a file format not strictly locked into 1password...


  • Ben
    Ben AWS Team
    edited September 2011
    I believe the answer here is the same as for the logins bookmarklet. We were using the blowfish encryption technology to create the exported HTML and logins bookmarklet and we do not have an export license for that technology. We're looking for an alternative that is as strong and as fast as blowfish but does not have the same licensing restrictions.


    Edit: to add, we do still offer an export to plain text as well as 1PIF which is essentially unencrypted JSON.
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