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Running 1Password on Snow Leopard and Lion

jburdick Junior Member
I have been using 1Password for a number of years now and love it! I understand that you're going to a MAS model only. I really believe you're doing your customers a huge diservice locking out a slew of past customers from upgrading to the latest version of 1P given that Lion has only been out for 7 weeks!! May of us simply CAN'T upgrade to Lion yet as we have mission critical software that has not been updated from it's Power PC days. They're working on it, but in the meantime I just can't upgrade to Lion. I have one personal iMac that runs 1P as well, and that one has been upgraded to Lion. My question is, if I upgrade my 1P on Lion to the latest version from the MAS is that going to impact my ability to use 1P on my Snow Leopard computer? I obviously want to take advantage of the special price you're running on the MAS but I need my questions answered first.




  • John,

    Absolutely not, 1Password 3.8.x for Snow Leopard and 3.9 for Lion use the same data format, so there's no issues at all in keeping the data in sync between the two OSes.

    Also, it's important to note that we'll continue to update 1Password 3.8.x as well as the browser extensions, which can now be updated outside of the app.

    We know Lion has only been out for a relatively short amount of time, but the adoption rate we've seen has been massive compared to past versions of OS X. I'm sorry you've got software that hasn't been made universal yet, I'm lucky that I'm not in that camp, but with the greatest of respect to the other developers they've had 5 years to make their apps universal.