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Cleaning Up after Install [Answered]

I have installed the new version from the Mac App Store without any problems but I want to get rid of any duplicate info that may be in my system and I have a few questions related to that:[list]

[*]Can I now delete the 1Password folder within the Application Support folder? I believe that everything is in the Containers folder.


[*]The containers folder now has 2 folders "com.agilebits.onepassword-osx" and "com.agilebits.onepassword-osx-helper". Do I need both or just the helper folder?


[*]Both of the above folders have a Data folder that has aliases to practically my entire home folder including Documents, Downloads, Music, Movies, Pictures and Library folders. Why are all of these here? Do they belong here?


Thanks in advance for anyone that can offer some help


  • tgt
    tgt Junior Member
    You can delete the 1Password folder under ~/Library/Application SUpport. I don't think 1Password even has access to it anymore.

    You need to keep both of the Containers, one provides preferences for the app and the other stores backups and preferences for the helper.

    I'd also like to know why 1Password has access to the rest of my home folder and some library folders which seem unnecessary. e.g. my address book (although this could be used for creating Identities, never checked.)

    Hope that helps.
  • That solves almost everything. Thanks!
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