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Bug - Folders not set on import

1Password 3.9.0 from Mac App Store has a bug....

Importing 100's of logins from a spreadsheet (via CSV import) and have a column with the 1Password folder I want each to load into.

1Password creates the folders, but it does not put the logins in the folders!

Please fix this bug as I cannot start using 1Password until it is fixed.


  • Hi

    Is there any news on this please?
  • AgileBits... any news please?
  • This is happening to me as well. To make matters worse, almost all manual folder actions are not being saved/synched.

    For instance:[list=1]

    [*]Created "Imported" folder.

    [*]Click the "All" folder, select-all, drag items into "Imported" folder.

    [*]Quit 1Password.

    [*]Start 1Password.

    [*]"All" folder has 470 items, no other folders (including "Imported") have any items.


    Another example of this bug:


    [*]Create new folder "Servers".

    [*]Create new sub-folder "SSH".

    [*]Restart 1Password

    [*]SSH is no longer a child folder, but a sibling folder.


    I thought it might be Dropbox/synch related, so I turned off Dropbox sync and had it save all the data locally but the problem persisted.

    I also noticed the "Automatic Backups" (as seen option no longer exists. 1Password doesn't seem to acknowledge Chromium at all. I had to reinstall Chrome and then use the beta extension before I could even get the 1Password Chrome extension to open without crashing.

    I tried to manually edit a few entries to see how things worked out. I found the "preview images" feature pretty neat, but am fairly annoyed by that you for non-supported sites, it uses the preview image (a screenshot of the page) as an icon, which generally looks very odd. It seems to me the icon and the preview should be separate images, the preview being a screenshot and the shelf icon being the favicon/shortcut icon of the site.

    I also found it very clunky to try and organize multiple logins to the same site. Either you duplicate the login (requiring you to manually maintain two nearly identical pieces of information) or you add fake field names, which then doesn't hide the alternate password. It seems obvious that you should be able to manage multiple accounts on the same site without having to manage tags/attachments/previews/notes/etc across duplicated items.

    As it stands, being completely unable to organize the hundreds of accounts I've just imported in, this program is almost entirely useless to me. I regret purchasing this application.
  • Also worth adding that I am getting a large number of unexpected crashes. This is the MAS 3.9.0 version on OSX 10.7.