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Using 3.8 and 3.9 concurrently

I'm a happy user of 3.8 at the moment, and I'd like to take advantage of the MAS special offer price to upgrade (and insure a free upgrade to v4 when it comes).

But I use Lion on one machine and Snow Leopard on all other machines. Will this be a problem? Can I run 3.8 on all the SL machines? Can they access the same data file and not get confused? Or do I need to keep everything on 3.8 until all machines make it to Lion?


  • Hi ddas,

    I'm pleased to say that 1Password 3.8.x for Snow Leopard and 3.9 from the Mac App Store for Lion both use the exact same data format, so if you have this stored and synced with Dropbox then there's no issue at all continuing to use 1Password 3.8.x on the Snow Leopard systems.

    I actually did this earlier, I have a Snow Leopard partition on my system for some recording work (some of the software isn't compatible with Lion yet, but I want to use Lion for everything else) and I have 1Password 3.8.5 on that system and it can access my 1Password data from 3.9, via Dropbox, without any issues.

    I hope that helps,
  • NickBeadman
    NickBeadman Junior Member
    It is great to hear that the data format between 1Password 3.9 and 3.8 are the same so Dropbox sync will work between Lion and Snow Leopard. I wonder if this will continue to be the case with 1Password 4.0? The reason I ask is that I have a Mac mini that is not capable of running Lion (because it is a Core Duo) and synching between my MacBook Pro and that mini is critical.

    Thanks in advance for any reply.

  • You're welcome Nick,

    We do plan to migrate to a new data format in the future, but I don't have any details of when this will be or what our plans are in terms of back porting this to 3.8.x for Snow Leopard users. Sorry to sound so vague, once we know more details we'll post them here in the forums and on [url=""]our blog[/url].