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Back button in 1Password browser nonfunctional [in iOS 5 beta]

The back button in my 1Password (newly installed on iPad) does nothing, even when it's not greyed out (ie. it thinks there's a 'back' to go to).


  • Are you by any chance using the iOS 5 Betas?
  • Yep, and had entirely forgotten that I was doing so (not enough devices to avoid mixing dev and real use!). Sorry about that. I'll wait until the iOS 5 release before asking/complaining further ..
  • No need to apologise, the reason I asked is because it's a known bug with the iOS 5 Betas and 1Password that we plan to fix. Please do let us know if you find any other major issues, we can't fix them before iOS 5 is released, at least not in general, but it's good to know.
  • I did report on another problem (the [url=""]'close' button also not working[/url]), but I imagine it's much the same as this issue, so I guess will also be fixed when iOS 5 is released.

    Thanks for the info.
  • You're welcome, and yes it's the same issue, I actually showed this to one of our co-founders, Dave, when he was here in the UK a few months ago and we met up for dinner, he thinks he knows exactly where the issue is already so hopefully we can get it fixed in time for iOS 5.