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Scramble Pads [Answered]


I am thinking of purchasing 1Password but before I do I have just 1 question. (I'm sure I'll have some more later)

Several banking services I access use a scamblepad to input the password of 6 numbers after my account number is entered. Is 1Password capable of storing and simulating this scamblepad.

Thanks in advance.




  • danco
    danco Senior Member

    You can look up the password in 1PW and then enter it manually.
  • Thanks for that danco
  • khad
    khad Social Choreographer
    Danco is correct. Depending on the exact setup, you may need to copy and paste the information (which you can do directly from the browser extension). If there are elements that are always the same, you can simply disable autosubmit for that particular Login item while leaving it enabled globally. That will give you the chance to add any additional information after using 1Password to fill the Login. Then you can click Submit or press Return yourself once you have added the additional information that 1Password was not able to fill.
  • Thank you khad

    I'm still learning so will give it a try.


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