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Firefox Extension is Mostly Unusable

I am running Lion 10.7.1, Firefox 6.0.2 and the latest Firefox extension. It is mostly unusable. It will not even fill in your registration for this forum. It will not handle simple credit card autofill, then when I use the manual mode it will not let me copy the credit card number, then when I try to copy number by number the display window disappears. It is basically impossible to use.

When 1 Password runs it is very nice, but this happens less and less frequently over the last several months!



  • Ben
    Ben AWS Team
    Hi Royce,

    I apologize for the troubles. I also apologize for how long it has taken us to get back to you.

    I'm happy to say though that we've updated both 1Password and the Firefox extension since your post. I hope these updates help.

    Please let me know how it goes.
