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Desktop: Main App Contains No Info, Menu bar "key" icon component still sees it


I just upgraded to the the MacApp store version of 1password. I've been using 1password for about 2 years now. All of my data is sitting in my dropbox folder -- user/dropbox/apps/1password -- to be specific. When I upgraded on Thursday night, I first dealt with my Macbook Pro. As you instructed on your site, I deleted my non-mac app store version, and then downloaded the new one. Everything seemed to go fine with that process, and my notebook 1password is sync'd up to dropbox fine.

Friday, I repeated the same process on my iMac. Everything seemed to go fine, however, now when I start 1password, and enter my password to get into the app, it's completely blank -- all modules (logins, accounts, wallet, software, etc.). When I open the preferences, it is pointing to the correct file in the correct location of my dropbox. Interestingly, when i go to login to Gmail for example, if I click on the key icon now in the menu bar along the top of the screen, i can still drill down through all of my passwords and actually login to Gmail.

Any thoughts? Why is the main app completely empty?

Needless to say, I probably have about 350-450 records saved in 1Password, so I'm trying to remain calm, as I still see everything on my Laptop.




  • Ben
    Ben AWS Team
    Hi Jacob,

    Sounds like an issue of stale cache. Restarting the 1Password application should resolve this issue. If not, please try restarting your Mac.


  • Now it's working.

    I have no idea why. I simply looked at the prefs again to make sure the path to the dropbox folder was correct (which it was), and I closed the prefs window and all the data began populating. I have no idea why it disappeared (makes me a little nervous), nor why it reappeared.
  • Ben
    Ben AWS Team
    Hi Jacob

    Thanks for the update!

    Like I mentioned above, it sounds like a simple caching issue.

    Welcome to the forums!
