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Autosubmit not working

I am using 3.9, Safari 5.1, and extension 3.8.2, and am having trouble with and These two domains used to work just fine with Go & Fill and the CMD+\ shortcut, but now they simply fill in the forms and need to be submitted manually on the website. I've tried creating new logins for each of the pages, but those don't work either. Any suggestions?


  • I can't get a lot of my sites to work with autosubmit, not even the site for this forum.

    In my case, the helper application has quit communicating with the main desktop application. It will ask whether I wish to save a password, and when I click "Save", it will not save the url! So, I have reverted to creating the logins from within the application, but then I run into the problem of where on the web site to link the url for auto submit, since I'm having to guess! That's in Safari.

    I briefly tried Chrome, and Firefox, but they did not work any better!

    Help, please!
  • fearmeat
    fearmeat Junior Member
    edited 2011 16
    I'm not trying to be a pain in the butt, but since e-mail support is currently disabled... bump.
  • Ben
    Ben AWS Team
    Thanks, fearmeat! I just tested both of the pages you reported problems with and can confirm the same behavior you were seeing. I've added these sites to our list of sites to further investigate.
  • I haven't been able to get auto submit to work on any site as yet with the MAS version. Even on sites that have user name and password fields on the same page.