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Synching issues

I have a general question regarding synching. I'm using the latest version of 1Password and dropbox. I recently removed some login items that were no longer needed. The total left was 54. I then synched this with my laptop and iPhone. All three devices registered 54 items. This morning after adding an additional login i noticed that the number of logins has "reverted" back to the 152 i had before.

I had emptied the trash on both the laptop and desktop, so where are these "old deleted logins" coming from?




  • Ben
    Ben AWS Team
    Hi Peter,

    This is a known bug involving the sync between the browser extensions (Firefox, Safari, etc) and the main application. We have this fixed in the latest 3.8.x beta and will be publishing the fix to the stable 3.8 and 3.9 branches soon.

    Thank you!


    P.S. Sorry for the late reply.