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1Password Archive

binaryeric Senior Member
edited December 1969 in Mac
A few people have posted about the idea of being able to "Archive" items so that they remain in your database for retrieval but are hidden from view unless you want to see them... While I think that this would be a very useful feature, I also realize that custom wallet items have been requested for... 2? years now... and they are still vaporware (come on guys... we're like 6 months into 3.x and this was originally a 3.0 feature.).

So the only solution I can come up with is to create another Agile keychain for items that I would like to hold onto but don't want to see... and then export/import said items into that keychain.

Anyone know why this may not work?




  • MartyS
    MartyS AgileBits Customer Care (retired)
    edited December 1969
    [quote name='binaryeric']A few people have posted about the idea of being able to "Archive" items so that they remain in your database for retrieval but are hidden from view unless you want to see them.

    So the only solution I can come up with is to create another Agile keychain for items that I would like to hold onto but don't want to see... and then export/import said items into that keychain.

    Anyone know why this may not work?



    For Login items it's very easy to change the Display setting to "Never" -- the item will then not be offered for Fill or Go & Fill operations via the browser extensions. We've thought of doing something similar for other Vaults but it's not currently planned.

    Providing customer defined templates is still on our list. I cannot provide a timeframe of course, but it's certainly requested often. Because we're a small organization our development resources have gotten diverted by Apple several times in the past several months.

    You should be able to "group" your items that you want to move out of the active 1Password data file and use the File -> Export Selected to export them. Be sure to securely delete any such exported 1Pif files after you have imported them into another 1Password data file since their contents are in plain text.
  • binaryeric
    binaryeric Senior Member
    edited December 1969
    Dave / Roustem-

    I'm worried. I have had an item on my to do list for well over a year now that says "Migrate all Wallet items to 1P"

    This item has been on my to do list since spring '09 because I was led to believe that custom wallet items were arriving with 3.0

    Dave, you mentioned to me I believe in Jan/Feb that the final piece was now in place... Which was the ability to sync custom wallet items with 1P Touch.

    It's almost June 2010... And still no custom wallet items.

    What makes me even more concerned is that now you have bought Knox. You have already been distracted enough with the iPhone and iPad... But here is ANOTHER obstacle to 1P Mac getting the attention it deserves... I'll leave the Windows version to another discussion...

    Please give an update on this... I just want to mark my to do item complete!
  • RobYoder
    RobYoder Agile Customer Care
    edited December 1969
    [quote name='binaryeric']What makes me even more concerned is that now you have bought Knox. You have already been distracted enough with the iPhone and iPad... But here is ANOTHER obstacle to 1P Mac getting the attention it deserves... I'll leave the Windows version to another discussion...

    Please give an update on this... I just want to mark my to do item complete![/QUOTE]

    I can't help you with the custom wallet issue any more than Marty did, but I can tell you that Knox will not be a very big distractor for us for now unless something goes wrong. We are focused on 1Password Mac and touch right now. Part of that is custom wallet items, part is the Chrome extensions, part is the compatibility with iPhone OS 4.

    As far as the Windows version, that has almost no effect on our development efforts since it is all or at least nearly all done by one Windows developer who wouldn't be coding for Mac anyway. Yes, we have to collaborate, but he's taking care of all the bugs and features as they're squashed and added, respectively.

    I hope that helps relieve your concern a little bit. Personally, I could not give you a timeframe on custom wallet items if I wanted to. I'll see if Dave can add anything here.

    Thanks for being a loyal user!
  • dteare
    dteare Agile Founder
    edited December 1969
    [quote name='binaryeric']Dave, you mentioned to me I believe in Jan/Feb that the final piece was now in place... Which was the ability to sync custom wallet items with 1P Touch.[/QUOTE]

    Hey Eric,

    I'm sorry for making it sound like a trivial fix. I was excited because we have removed the biggest obstacle but didn't mean to imply it would be a quick fix.

    I've been told many times to not promise dates so I won't do so now :)
  • binaryeric
    binaryeric Senior Member
    edited December 1969
    [quote name='dteare']Hey Eric,

    I'm sorry for making it sound like a trivial fix. I was excited because we have removed the biggest obstacle but didn't mean to imply it would be a quick fix.

    I've been told many times to not promise dates so I won't do so now :)[/QUOTE]

    That's disappointing. I wish you maintained a road map that was weighted by the amount of time that an item has been on the road map.
  • MartyS
    MartyS AgileBits Customer Care (retired)
    edited December 1969
    [quote name='binaryeric']That's disappointing. I wish you maintained a road map that was weighted by the amount of time that an item has been on the road map.[/QUOTE]

    We understand that sometimes there seems to be no method to our "madness" but there really is. Many of us within AWS have worked for extremely large companies that would spend weeks, maybe even months with multiple employees strategizing over what to put into a public (or even NDA) road map, drawing up Powerpoint presentations, hiring or allocating software and hardware development resources, ... and no real work gets done in the process. AWS doesn't work that way and generally that produces results that our customers love because we can jump on something that comes out of the blue and give you [I]something[/I] now versus a feature in the next 18-24 month development cycle.