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no mountable file system ?!?

akny Junior Member
i am trying to open a knox file and it comes back with error : no mountable file system

i know the password is correct. and disk utility has the same error..

what to do?


  • khad
    khad Social Choreographer
    Have you been backing up your vaults with TIme Machine? We advise against this since it can lead to data corruption.

    Do you have a Knox backup from which you can restore? In Knox:

  • I am concerned about your comment that when using Time Machine it will corrupt Knox vault file as nowadays I believe quite a lot of us are depending on Time Machine to do the backup along with other utilities for entire hard disk backup. Of course we can within Time Machine to select exclude these files from being backup. Then rely on Knox own backup to perform the backup. Is that the proper way of backing up the vault files?

    Another related question is can I just use the copy command to copy the vault file from one location to another? If so what is the difference between this approach vs using Knox backup command? Thanks.
  • khad
    khad Social Choreographer
    In order to keep consistent, valid backup copies of your vaults, the vaults need to be closed. The reason is that the vaults are not really a simple file on the hard drive, they are very complicated with hundreds if not thousands of pieces and a simple 2kb file change inside the vault can result into a 8-16mb change to the vault file itself.

    Not to mention if you use encryption, each piece is filled with what appears to be random data and without all the pieces, none of the data makes sense. When it is closed, no changes occur and the vault file itself is static. If it is open, the vault file is dynamically changing all the time and saving a backup of that can result in a corrupted file because it never had a chance to save ALL pieces of the vault.

    Time Machine and other backup tools can backup your [i]backups folder[/i] but [b]not the active Knox folder[/b] because they do not know when those vaults are open, therefore the active Knox folder needs to be excluded from the backups. The backup folders are full of static vault files, so no changes are made at any point except the creation of the backups.

    Copy will work — again, only copy the [i]backups, [/i]not the active vaults[i] — [/i]it just isn't automated like Knox backups.

    I hope this helps, please let me know if you have more questions.