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Backwards compatibility for MAS

Hi All,

I'm a potential 1Password customer wanting a bit of clarification on a multi-platform question.

My work and home machines are 10.7.1, I have two iOS devices and my first generation MacBook Air is running 10.6.8. Owing to the meagre hardware on the Air I don't want to migrate to Lion. In these economic climes, a new laptop is off the agenda for the foreseeable future. So far as I can tell, the only way I can use 1Password across all devices is to purchase:[list]

[*]1 MAS licence (10.7.1 and future support). $AUS$21

[*]2 App Store licences (iPad & iPhone version). $AUS10.50ea x 2

[*]1 website-sourced licence (for 10.6.8 support). $US40


I'd really like to support some excellent software, and I'm not averse to paying $USD40 for the licence plus $AUS21 for iPad/iPhone support but the additional $21 for 10.7 support (or tripling of price if you look at it the other way round!) seems a bit much.

My question, therefore, is "[u][b]can Lion users also use 1Password on pre-Lion machines without purchasing two Mac OS licenses?[/b][/u]"

So far as I can tell, the answer is no, though I'd appreciate your thoughts or a point in the right direction if I'm missing something obvious.




  • Ben
    Ben AWS Team
    Hi Tim,

    Welcome to the forums.

    Send me a copy of your receipt (via PM) from the MAS and we'll work something out for your Snow Leopard machines.

    You only need a single purchase from the iTunes App Store to use 1Password [b]Pro [/b](make sure you get 1Password [b]Pro[/b]) on both an iPad and an iPhone.


  • I've just sent it through and want to publicly commend Agile Bits for their commitment to customer service <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/emoticon-0117-talking.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt='(talk)' />