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MAS Installation for DropBox users is one white hot mess. Serious fixes need to be made...

I finally, finally, [b]finally[/b] got all my various 1password apps working (I think). This upgrade to 3.9 is [b]way[/b] more stressful than it needed to be. Had I not figured it out when I did, I'd be dropping 1password like a rock and going with some other solution. This is a serious problem that someone who is just a bit less computer savvy than me (I'm do fairly well, but I'm no developer) might have big problems and give up. I suggest the devs look into what got screwed up on my account, figure out why and fix it asap.

First, my configuration: I am using a Mac Pro, a MacBook Pro, 2 iPhones and an iPad, all with 1Password installed and all synching via dropbox. Both the macs had been using the beta versions since forever. When I found out that 1P was available on the MAS, first, I went and made sure I was up-to-date with v.3.8.5 just like the instructions say [url=""]here[/url]. Once I did that and was satisfied that everything was working properly, I followed the instructions on that page first on my MacBook Pro. I moved the current installation to the trash and then installed from the MAS. Once it was installed, I started it up and I had no welcome screen, no set-up options, nothing. Just the standard lock screen came up so I tried entering in my password. To my great surprise, it told me that my password was incorrect. WTF WTF WTF. So I came here to make a post and found that my browser extensions were working fine. I was able to unlock 1P and have it enter in the forum password. That thread is [url=""]here[/url] (which has gotten [b]zero[/b] replies frustratingly).

So obviously, I'm confused and frustrated so I take a break. When I come back, I decide to go into my DropBox folder using the web browser to see WTF. In that I find something very bizarre. There isn't one agilekeychain, but two. The 1Password.agilekeychain is empty. but there is another that is called 1Password-337462861.agilekeychain that has all of my data in it. So uh, double WTF? Why would that happen? Why would the browser see it fine but the 1P app not see it? I attempted to copy it and rename it so now I have 1Password-337462861-copy.agilekeychain (which is the copied data), OLD1Password.agilekeychain (which is the empty one), and 1Password.agilekeychain (which is the one that I renamed). This seemed to work for my MacBook Pro and I thought I was in business. But I needed a break since it was all very frustrating still. WTF did it do that and WTF did I have to make copies? WTF WTF WTF?

Anyway, tonight I get another chance to sit down at it, this time at my Mac Pro. I repeated the steps found in the 3.9 FAQ. This time I did get a welcome screen and it asked me if I wanted to use dropbox. Since I had set up the 1Password.agilekeychain the previous night, I figured why not? After I did that I crossed my fingers and put in my password to unlock it and.....crap. Didn't work. But this time I got "Hint: asdf" at the bottom. So I put in asdf and it unlocked. And it was empty. I tried simply opening the dropbox folder in the finder and double-clicking the 1Password.agilekeychain. Yeah, guess what, didn't work. Not only that but now I had two 1Password-337462861.agilekeychain files (plus my 1Password-337462861-copy.agilekeychain, OLD1Password.agilekeychain, and 1Password.agilekeychain).

What the effing eff? Things got a bit fuzzy, probably because of frustration or rage or several mini-strokes or something. I think I double clicked on the 1Password-337462861.agilekeychain and it ended up working. I unlocked 1P on my Mac Pro with my good password and it had all the entries in it. I opened the settings and it was using some file that clearly wasn't dropbox and it asked if I wanted to use dropbox. Sure, why not. So I did and let it synch and it seems to work. Frankly, I don't know what file on dropbox I'm using, why there are so many of them, and if my MacBook Pro 1P app is working right or not anymore.

The icing is that just now entering the forums from Chrome on my Mac Pro, I tried entering the forum password info using the 1P beta extension 3.8.3 b3 and it was unable to be unlocked with my good password. So, for giggles I put in asdf and it unlocked and was empty. WTF??? I checked the main app and it was fine. So I uninstalled the beta extension and reinstalled it and it is now working fine.

Seriously, guys and gals, WTF? Why should installing an app take multiple frustrating days? What is 1Password-337462861.agilekeychain and why is it in my dropbox twice (not including the copies I made)? I mean, I guess I should thank you for not just deleting my old data and making me jump through hoops to (hopefully) replace it. So thanks for that. But still, WTF?


  • Ben
    Ben AWS Team
    [quote name='lanemik' timestamp='1316136126' post='49457']

    I finally, finally, [b]finally[/b] got all my various 1password apps working (I think). This upgrade to 3.9 is [b]way[/b] more stressful than it needed to be. Had I not figured it out when I did, I'd be dropping 1password like a rock and going with some other solution. This is a serious problem that someone who is just a bit less computer savvy than me (I'm do fairly well, but I'm no developer) might have big problems and give up. I suggest the devs look into what got screwed up on my account, figure out why and fix it asap.[/quote]

    We really appreciate you taking the time to post this so that we can work out any existing issues. I do have to say that on my own installation (two MacBook Pros, an iPhone, and an iPad, syncing with Dropbox...) I had no issues. That is not to say that we don't acknowledge that there could be issues.

    [quote name='lanemik' timestamp='1316136126' post='49457']

    First, my configuration: I am using a Mac Pro, a MacBook Pro, 2 iPhones and an iPad, all with 1Password installed and all synching via dropbox. Both the macs had been using the beta versions since forever. When I found out that 1P was available on the MAS, first, I went and made sure I was up-to-date with v.3.8.5 just like the instructions say [url=""]here[/url]. Once I did that and was satisfied that everything was working properly, I followed the instructions on that page first on my MacBook Pro. I moved the current installation to the trash and then installed from the MAS. Once it was installed, I started it up and I had no welcome screen, no set-up options, nothing. Just the standard lock screen came up so I tried entering in my password. To my great surprise, it told me that my password was incorrect. WTF WTF WTF. So I came here to make a post and found that my browser extensions were working fine. I was able to unlock 1P and have it enter in the forum password. That thread is [url=""]here[/url] (which has gotten [b]zero[/b] replies frustratingly).[/quote]

    It sounds like you may have actually had TWO Agile Keychains: one in your ~/Library/Application Support/1Password folder and one in Dropbox. This could easily happen if you copied, instead of moved, your keychain into Dropbox when originally setting it up.

    The browser extension working could have actually been a bug (this one: [url=""]Extension Data Does Not Match the Main Application[/url]).

    [quote name='lanemik' timestamp='1316136126' post='49457']

    So obviously, I'm confused and frustrated so I take a break. When I come back, I decide to go into my DropBox folder using the web browser to see WTF. In that I find something very bizarre. There isn't one agilekeychain, but two. The 1Password.agilekeychain is empty. but there is another that is called 1Password-337462861.agilekeychain that has all of my data in it. So uh, double WTF? Why would that happen? Why would the browser see it fine but the 1P app not see it? I attempted to copy it and rename it so now I have 1Password-337462861-copy.agilekeychain (which is the copied data), OLD1Password.agilekeychain (which is the empty one), and 1Password.agilekeychain (which is the one that I renamed). This seemed to work for my MacBook Pro and I thought I was in business. But I needed a break since it was all very frustrating still. WTF did it do that and WTF did I have to make copies? WTF WTF WTF?

    Anyway, tonight I get another chance to sit down at it, this time at my Mac Pro. I repeated the steps found in the 3.9 FAQ. This time I did get a welcome screen and it asked me if I wanted to use dropbox. Since I had set up the 1Password.agilekeychain the previous night, I figured why not? After I did that I crossed my fingers and put in my password to unlock it and.....crap. Didn't work. But this time I got "Hint: asdf" at the bottom. So I put in asdf and it unlocked. And it was empty. I tried simply opening the dropbox folder in the finder and double-clicking the 1Password.agilekeychain. Yeah, guess what, didn't work. Not only that but now I had two 1Password-337462861.agilekeychain files (plus my 1Password-337462861-copy.agilekeychain, OLD1Password.agilekeychain, and 1Password.agilekeychain).

    What the effing eff? Things got a bit fuzzy, probably because of frustration or rage or several mini-strokes or something. I think I double clicked on the 1Password-337462861.agilekeychain and it ended up working. I unlocked 1P on my Mac Pro with my good password and it had all the entries in it. I opened the settings and it was using some file that clearly wasn't dropbox and it asked if I wanted to use dropbox. Sure, why not. So I did and let it synch and it seems to work. Frankly, I don't know what file on dropbox I'm using, why there are so many of them, and if my MacBook Pro 1P app is working right or not anymore.

    The icing is that just now entering the forums from Chrome on my Mac Pro, I tried entering the forum password info using the 1P beta extension 3.8.3 b3 and it was unable to be unlocked with my good password. So, for giggles I put in asdf and it unlocked and was empty. WTF??? I checked the main app and it was fine. So I uninstalled the beta extension and reinstalled it and it is now working fine.

    Seriously, guys and gals, WTF? Why should installing an app take multiple frustrating days? What is 1Password-337462861.agilekeychain and why is it in my dropbox twice (not including the copies I made)? I mean, I guess I should thank you for not just deleting my old data and making me jump through hoops to (hopefully) replace it. So thanks for that. But still, WTF?


    I think the explanation I have above is exactly what happened... I'm very sorry about the mini-strokes. I have already outlined this particular scenario to our developers, and hopefully they can come up with a way to better handle this situation in the software (perhaps a prompt: "You seem to have two keychains. Which do you want to use? Dropbox (last modified X) or Local (last modified Y)"

    It sounds like you have everything working at this point (if not, definitely let us know), so I'm glad to hear that. I do hope that we can improve the user experience for other users that may run up against this in the future.

    Thank you again for typing out the detailed report! <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/smile.png' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':)' />
