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Request playlist-like folders/tags that are easier to use

The current 1Password application has two organization tools: folders and tags. Both are clumsy to use, compared to iTunes playlists, for different reasons (detailed below). My request is to ditch this and just have ONE system that works exactly like iTunes playlists. Press + to add a playlist-like-folder, drag an item in to add it, delete an item to remove it from that particular playlist-like folder.

Folders are painful because:

* if you delete an item from a folder it totally deletes the item (what a horrible shock; thank heavens for the trash).

* An item can only be in one Folder

* It is not at all obvious how one removes an item safely from a Folder (I do know how to do it, but I feel the gesture is too obscure. My point is that it's not OBVIOUS since Delete does the wrong thing and it's not immediately clear where to drag the item.)

Tags are painful because:

* To add a tag you have to manually edit an item and type it in. I want a "+" button.

* There is no simple way to remove a tag, at least none that I've found. I don't want to have to manually edit an item to remove a tag. That's crazy.

Playlist-like-folders would take care of both these problems and greatly simplify the API.

If you are not willing to do that, then please I have these requests:

* Make Folders safer by putting up a dialog box when a user deletes items, that warns the item(s) will be trashed.

* Add a setting that makes Delete=Remove from Folder (instead of Trash).

* Offer a drag-and-drop or contextual menu way to remove a tag. For example a target one can drag an item onto from a named Tag listing that removes just that one tag, or a contextual menu on each item in a Tag listing that removes just that one tag.

By the way: I gifted this program to two people and both found it too complicated. I think simplification would help gain and retain customers.


  • I'm a fairly new 1P user and haven't yet had occasion to remove an item from a folder and certainly wasn't aware that deleting it (which is so intuitive) deletes it from 1P altogether. It would be a great help if you could let me know the correct way to remove something from a folder.

    Also, do you know if there's any way to determine what folder an item is in (like pushing the option key & the folder highlights)? Now that I can't assign folders to items I add through the 1P Extension in Safari, I've got to try and remember what I've added and go into the App to assign the logins to the correct folders. It's a real pain in the butt, not to mention totally inefficient.

    I love you suggestion about having a system that works like the iTunes Playlists - I just wish someone at Agile would pay attention to it!!!!!

    Thanks for the help.
  • khad
    khad Social Choreographer
    Thanks for the feedback, folks! I think you will be quite pleased with some of the updates we have planned. <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/skype_smile.png' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':-)' />

    Betht, to remove an item from a folder, drag and drop it on the vault section.

    There is no Option key trick like in Address Book, but you can see at a glance what folders items are in if you switch to Traditional layout ([b]View > Layout > Traditional[/b]). Just be sure that the "Folder" column is visible ([b]View > Columns > Folder[/b]).