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Crash on T-Mobile G1, Running Android 2.1

m0zes Junior Member
edited December 1969 in Android
Awesome! I have been missing 1Password since the first Android phone was released.

On a side note, I have just installed and enter my master password. It waits for a while, no doubt decrypting everything to memory, it shows a few of my items, then force closes. Here is the log I was able to grab:

07-06 12:31:46.004: WARN/WindowManager(144): Attempted to add application window with unknown token HistoryRecord{43d60010 com.onepassword.passwordmanager/.LoginActivity}. Aborting.

07-06 12:31:46.023: DEBUG/AndroidRuntime(2825): Shutting down VM

07-06 12:31:46.023: WARN/dalvikvm(2825): threadid=3: thread exiting with uncaught exception (group=0x4001e178\)

07-06 12:31:46.023: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(2825): Uncaught handler: thread main exiting due to uncaught exception

07-06 12:31:46.043: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(2825): android.view.WindowManager$BadTokenException: Unable to add window -- token android.os.BinderProxy@43bffe40 is not valid; is your activity running?

07-06 12:31:46.043: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(2825): at android.view.ViewRoot.setView(\)

07-06 12:31:46.043: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(2825): at android.view.WindowManagerImpl.addView(

07-06 12:31:46.043: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(2825): at android.view.WindowManagerImpl.addView(

07-06 12:31:46.043: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(2825): at android.view.Window$LocalWindowManager.addView(

07-06 12:31:46.043: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(2825): at

07-06 12:31:46.043: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(2825): at\)

07-06 12:31:46.043: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(2825): at com.onepassword.passwordmanager.LoginActivity$1.handleMessage(

07-06 12:31:46.043: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(2825): at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(

07-06 12:31:46.043: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(2825): at android.os.Looper.loop(

07-06 12:31:46.043: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(2825): at

07-06 12:31:46.043: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(2825): at java.lang.reflect.Method.invokeNative(Native Method)

07-06 12:31:46.043: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(2825): at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(

07-06 12:31:46.043: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(2825): at$

07-06 12:31:46.043: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(2825): at\)

07-06 12:31:46.043: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(2825): at dalvik.system.NativeStart.main(Native Method)

A wonderful start, and I am looking forward to a better integrated syncing solution. Thanks for your hard work.

Phone: T-Mobile G1, Running Android 2.1


  • dteare
    dteare Agile Founder
    edited December 1969
    [quote name='m0zes']Awesome! I have been missing 1Password since the first Android phone was released.[/quote]

    Great! I'm glad you'll enjoy this, once we fix the crash anyway :)

    [quote name='m0zes']On a side note, I have just installed and enter my master password. It waits for a while, no doubt decrypting everything to memory, it shows a few of my items, then force closes. Here is the log I was able to grab[/quote]

    Thanks for the report! I'll make sure Gene sees this.

    [quote name='m0zes']A wonderful start, and I am looking forward to a better integrated syncing solution. Thanks for your hard work.[/QUOTE]

    Thank you!
  • GeneY
    GeneY AWS Team
    edited December 1969
    I am trying to reproduce the error on my T-Mobile G1 and so far cannot see it (using very long passwords 12-16 chars long). Password validation takes less than a second and then all my 68 items become visible .

    Could you tell me if you see the message every time you use your application or it just happened once in a while ?

    Thank you for your help
  • dteare
    dteare Agile Founder
    edited December 1969
    BTW – Where did you grab this crash information from? Do you require the SDK installed or is there an easier way?
  • m0zes
    m0zes Junior Member
    edited December 1969
    I grabbed the log through ddms, which is available in the sdk. It should also be able to see it via "adb logcat" which is available in the SDK as well.

    It could be that I am simply a heavy 1Password user, I have 268 items in it and it could have easily been a memory limitation. I was seeing it every time I unlocked the app, but I have been unable to reproduce after I rebooted my phone.
  • dteare
    dteare Agile Founder
    edited December 1969
    [quote name='m0zes']I grabbed the log through ddms, which is available in the sdk. It should also be able to see it via "adb logcat" which is available in the SDK as well.[/quote]

    Thanks for the details! I'm new to this Android stuff and didn't know if there was an easy way for users to report the issue or not. Installing the SDK is fine for us techies but I'm afraid not everyone will appreciate being told to install an SDK :) I get excited when installing SDKs, but I think I'm in the minority :D

    [quote name='m0zes']It could be that I am simply a heavy 1Password user, I have 268 items in it and it could have easily been a memory limitation. I was seeing it every time I unlocked the app, but I have been unable to reproduce after I rebooted my phone.[/QUOTE]

    It's great to hear you have it working now! You're right, this could be a memory issue, but 268 items should be fine.
  • m0zes
    m0zes Junior Member
    edited December 1969
    [quote name='dteare']Thanks for the details! I'm new to this Android stuff and didn't know if there was an easy way for users to report the issue or not. Installing the SDK is fine for us techies but I'm afraid not everyone will appreciate being told to install an SDK :) I get excited when installing SDKs, but I think I'm in the minority :D.[/QUOTE]

    If you are wanting a simple way for users to collect logs, there is a free app in the market called "Log Collector" that can grab those logs and export them in a variety of ways (gmail being my preference). Also available here: [url][/url] Apache licensed, so you should even be able to incorporate this functionality into your app if necessary.
  • dteare
    dteare Agile Founder
    edited December 1969
    [quote name='m0zes']If you are wanting a simple way for users to collect logs, there is a free app in the market called "Log Collector" that can grab those logs and export them in a variety of ways (gmail being my preference). Also available here: [url][/url] Apache licensed, so you should even be able to incorporate this functionality into your app if necessary.[/QUOTE]

    Thanks for the tip!